T h i r t e e n - C a m p

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Camp Half-Blood. After a few days, and a few trips to the Underworld, the four of you girls finally made it there. Finally, fresh food and clean clothes. And seeing your brother, Nico. That was also nice. When you guys got there, you were greeted by Chiron and a few of the other campers. Clover and Sophia went to the Artemis cabin, while you and Charlie went to the Big House. You usually stayed in the Hades cabin, but you decided to give Charlie a little company, because she was new. All of you cleaned up and changed then met up at the dinner pavilion.

"What now?" said Charlie.

"We can go to the lake if you guys want to." 'Clover seems to know a lot about camp.' Everyone agreed, so you guys started on your way. You were just starting to make it into the forest when you saw ice. 'Why the hell is there ice in a forest?' Then you saw it. A penguin. Why is there a penguin at Camp Half-Blood? Don't know. Until you thought about it. 'Wait, didn't the girl we met a few days ago have a penguin?'

"FELIX!" '...That is probably the girl I'm thinking about.' That same blue-haired girl ran right past you chasing the penguin.

"That was...odd."

"Thanks Charlie for pointing out the obvious."


"Guys, stop fighting." Sophia stood between you and Charlie, putting out her arms dramatically. After the two of you stopped your bickering, you all started heading towards the lake. The lake that was frozen over.


"It's not that bad, Sophia-" Clover responded.

"I wanted to stick my legs in the lake, though~" Sophia walked over to the edge of a bush, bent down, and picked up a rock.

"That's not a good-" And before you could finish your sentence, she threw the rock right at the lake. Right at the cave with a light. A girl's head broke the surface of the water. The same girl that had the penguin. You assumed the penguin froze the top layer of the water, but now the penguin was nowhere to be found. Now there was a bright orange starfish in the girl's hair.

"Oh! You're the girls from a few days ago!"


"You're Ophelia, right?" That freaked you out. How does she know you?

"Ohhh, that probably makes me sound like a creep, doesn't it?" 'Totally'

"No, it's fine." Her name immediately popped into your head. "Selean, right?"

"That's me! Honestly, I'm surprised you remember me." Honestly, you didn't remember her name that well. It just kind of came to you because you help host the games at the camp. Selean and ... host the water games, so Chiron makes you help them sometimes. They were besties, so you never really became close to either of them.

"Wanna come into the cave?"

"Will we get wet?" Of course, Charlie would be worrying about her looks. She gave you major Aphrodite vibes.

"Only if you want to. I can make bubbles big enough for you guys to fit in." And with that, everyone agreed. Right before Selean started making the bubbles, you heard something. In fact, not just you. Everyone heard it. She came out from the shadows of the trees. She had an extremely simple request.

"Give me the boy."


559 words

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