E l e v e n - T h e H u n t e r s

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That was the moment right before seeing the hunters. The Hunters of Artemis. You didn't have anything against them, they had something against you. Maybe I was your mom. They were maidens, and your mom was Aphrodite. The goddess of love and pleasure. They probably hated her, but you didn't care.

"Clover! You're back!" A girl with rose gold hair ran over to Clover and gave her a big bear hug, almost knocking Clover back. "Hey, it's good to see you too, Sophia!" Clover reunited with the hunters. 'So she's a hunter.' "Lia!" Someone called your name. At least, your nickname. Your nickname that no one ever calls you. Except...

You turned around. "Thalia!" You ran straight into her arms. And maybe shed a few tears. But at that moment, you didn't care what anyone else thought. She was your best friend. You haven't seen her for probably around a decade. You met in the Underworld. After she sacrificed herself for Luke and Annabeth, she entered the Underworld. You two would talk every day. She would meet you as close as she could get to the palace, which wasn't very close to the palace. Because of this, you would go all the way to Elysium every day. The two of you would talk all day long until it was dinner, or Persephone would come to get you. This repeated every day. Every day until she was no longer there. No longer in Elysium. No longer anywhere in the underworld. It broke your heart. Why did she leave you? You only learned she was free from the tree after she became a hunter. And this particularly sucked because you never knew where the hunters were. You always thought it was because they didn't like you, but you never knew for sure. Anyways, you were so happy to see Thalia. You guys had a lot to catch up on....

After a couple hours of chatting and hanging out with the Hunters of Artemis, you all went to bed. You definitely needed some peace and quiet, and some sleep. But of course, sleep meant dreams. Dreams meant unwanted visions. And visions sucked. However, they were different today. You couldn't control them. Usually, you have control over your dreams, and you could do what you wanted or ever change them. This time, it felt like you couldn't breathe. And it's probably because,

you couldn't.


400 words

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