E i g h t - W r o n g

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"How did school go?" "Horrible, Kass" "Awww, what happened during class?" "Nothing much during class. Just two girls wanna be friends with me." "Oh, well, that's not so bad," You just stared at her. She knew you didn't want friends. "...Hey, um, y'know the kid I was spying on?" "Yeah, Lennon, right?" "Yeah," "What about him?" "Oh, well, um... I may, y'know, have a little, itsy-bitsy, um, crush..?" You continued to get quieter the more you confessed. Then Kassia gasped. Really loudly. "Don't even-" "It's like that one song from Shrek!" That completely caught you off guard. "...what?" "or was it Shrek 2?" "Huh?" She snapped. "Accidentally In Love!" "...Counting Crows?" "Yeah. It's exactly like your situation." "I suppose..." More awkward silence. Great.
"I made some cookies. Want some?" "Nah. I'll pass. I'm tired." "Oh. Well, more blue cookies for me!" You paused. "Sally Jackson's recipe?" "You bet." You immediately grabbed a few of the cookies. There was a dude at Camp Half-Blood, and you absolutely loved the days when he would bring his mom's cookies for the camp. His mom, Sally, even gave you the recipe.
After you grabbed the cookies, you headed up to your room upstairs. You showered, changed into you pajamas, then slept. The next few weeks went like this- school, discussion with Kassia, homework, shower, sleep. Of course, only until you met Charlie's new friend.
It started going down-hill during PE. You, Charlie, and Clover were walking around the field during Choices. "Oh, wait! Let me get Lilith!" Charlie ran off. You and Clover just stood there. Dumbfounded. "There's a girl named Lilith?" You and Clover were still standing there.
A couple minutes later, Charlie returned with a girl that had black and purple hair, and seemed very trendy. "Ophelia, Clover, this is Lilith. Lilith, this is Ophelia and Clover." "Hey guys!" "Hi." "Hello." You and Clover were still just standing there-still as stone. Lilith seemed so energetic and happy, there had to be something wrong. Something was off. It felt like there was a monster next to you, but there wasn't one. Unless...
"You good?" "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine, Lilith." "Okay, just making sure. ... I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom, real quick." Lilith ran off to Mrs. Graham to get the bathroom pass. "Hey, um, Charlie? I think there's something off with Lilith." "Yeah, me too. I agree with Clover." "What's wrong?" You couldn't tell if Charlie was being sincere, or not. "She seems like a monster." "But monsters don't exist..?" Was it time to tell them? "Well, they sorta do..." 'How does Clover know?' "WHA-" "Shhhhhh-" You looked at Clover. "How do-" The bell rang.

"I'll explain as best as I can at lunch."


460 words

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