E i g h t e e n - E n c h a n t e d

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"Who is that? Ophelia, do you know?" You were standing there, dumbfounded, and you suppose Chiron was easily able to tell that you knew something.

"Yeah. His mother is, uh, Gaia."

"... Gaia?"

"Yeah, Chiron. Like, the Gaia we fought-"

"I know. But, she can have demigod children?" You shrugged.

"I guess so."

"Well, then. Lennon, please stay, but for everyone else- the campfire party is over. Please go back to your cabins." All of the campers split up, and went back to their assigned cabins, except for Nico, who shadow-traveled into the Apollo cabin.

"So, Lennon. What do you know about your mother?"

"Not a lot. Just that she's a primordial goddess."

"A primordial goddess. ... Well, the only one related to the Earth is Gaia, so I suppose she's your mother."

"I'm the son of Gaia?"


"Oh, cool."

"But, our past has made it not cool."

"What do you mean?"

"A few years ago, we had a big fight with Gaia."


"Well never mind that," Chiron was clearly trying to lighten the mood. "Ophelia, is it okay if Lennon stays with you? I'm sure he wouldn't like to stay with the few girls in Demeter's cabin and everyone in the Hermes cabin."

"Yeah, sure. It's fine."

"Good." You and Lennon started heading off to the Hades cabin. And as always awkward silence. When you got in the room, you immediately fell on your bed. Lennon sat on the edge of the one across from you. You got up, reached to the table next to your bed and grabbed your headphones.

"You like music?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah."

"2000s and 2010s are your favorite decades for music, aren't they?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"The posters."

"Oh." You were kind of embarrassed. You had a lot of music posters on the wall next to your bed. Mostly Paramore, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Olivia Rodrigo, Ed Sheeran, and Taylor Swift. You were going to play music on your headphones, so it didn't bother Lennon.

"What are you doing?"


"You don't have to use your headphones."

"You're okay with the music? It's probably gonna be Taylor Swift."

"Yeah, it's fine." You started playing your favorite album from her. The song called "Sparks Fly" played.

"Drop everything now

Meet me in the pouring rain

Kiss me on the sidewalk

Take away the pain

'Cause I see sparks fly, whenever you smile"

That chorus was the most relatable thing you have ever heard. It's basically the feeling of having a crush, so you've dealt with it a lot. Usually you never want the song to end, loving its message. But, now you need it to end as fast as it could, considering Lennon was listening to it too.

"Are you a swiftie?" That question caught you off guard.

"Oh, no. Definitely not."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." And just like that, it went back to silence. You had it on shuffle, so "Enchanted" started playing.

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