F i v e - H i m

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You got to school at 7:30am. 'Perfect' You began to scan for boys that fit the desciption Zeus gave you. Every boy matched it except for 4 kids.
Nothing really happened in those extra 30 minutes you gave yourself. 'Fuck. I spent so much time in this chaotic hell, and I couldn't even find anyone.' The truth was that you didn't want to be here. You didn't want friends, a crush, or even to just talk to someone. You wanted to finish this mission then leave this place. That was another reason you didn't like to send demigods on quests.
The bell rang, and you started following a group of kids (who you thought were 6th graders). This was one of those "STEM" (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) schools. Because of this, your had 3 classes- math, science, and humanities. Your first class was math. Nothing really happened. Your class introduced themselves and your teacher is Ms. Eastwood. But, no one named "Lennon". 'Great.' The class finally finished after 80 minutes, but you hardly listened.
Next was PE. All of the kids were together, so you could probably find him. There were 2 teachers- Mr. Stone and Mrs. Graham. You had her. She called the attendance and you listened as best as you could. 'not his...nope...can't be...' A couple names down and you here it. "Lennon?" "Here!" 'That's him.' You found him and he's exactly what Zeus said.
You were let off to "Choices". It's basically your choice to do what you wanted as long as it wasn't sitting down. You decided to follow the kid to see if you could get out any information. It was the first day, so you didn't expect him to open up to anyone just yet. You followed him and the rest of his friends to a shady spot behind the field. 'At least there's shade.' You brought a book with you, so you could pretend like you were reading, although you really weren't. Him and his 2 friends stopped at the gate, so you stopped at a nearby tree.
They weren't talking about much. Just Roblox and random boy things. You started to actually read until you heard someone running behind you.



372 words

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