Chapter 1

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Hi, I hope you are having a good day and I hope you enjoy this chapter. Its just introducing the characters and what they are like. The next chapter should start the journey. Anyway enjoy.


Have you ever felt like you were meant for more? Like there is somewhere else that you're meant to be? There is something that keeps you from what you want but you can't figure it out so you just push it to the back of your head, hoping it will stop but the desire grows with each passing minute. Well that's how these girls felt. Girls who have stuck together through everything and have a bond that is so strong it manages to change their life and how they view life completely. Lets just hope it will be strong enough to fight against the evils of the new place they will find themselves in. With the help of their new friends they will finally understand who they are and why this new world feels more like home and the reasons why they wanna stay. This is a story of three girls who discover who they truly are and fight for their new future.


Chapter 1

Third Pov

Remember when life was easy and you didn't need to worry about rent and student debt?

Where did those days go and why did we take them for granted?

Why did we choose to grow up so fast?

That's what is on every university student's mind when they wake up every morning and it was also the same for these three girls who decided to sleep in instead of switch off their alarms. Well at least one actually got up but with so much effort while the other two slept peacefully in their beds.

Katherine woke up with a yawn and knew that it was time to get up. She got up and walked into the kitchen to make breakfast for her friends and herself. She made some Oats and toast with 2 cups of coffee and one cup of rooibos tea. She then went to wake up her two lazy friends.

Kate's Pov

I walked into Renée's room and pulled the curtains and window open which resulted in her groaning and throwing her pillow at me which I dodged with ease.

"Time to get up, young lady. You have Psychology and Lilith has Criminology in less than an hour and it takes like 20 minutes to get there so get your fat ass out of this bed, get dressed and come eat. Your breakfast is probably cold. Come on lazy bones."

I pulled the blankets off her and walked out of the room to wake Lily. When I walked in, I expected her to be sleeping but she was sitting up and looking at her phone. Probably checking social media. I pulled her curtains open to let some light in.

'Morning Lils. Breakfast is ready so get dressed and come eat."

I walked out and went back to the kitchen so I could have my coffee.

I heard footsteps and looked up to see Lilith dressed in a blue dress that went down to her knees and her black heel boots.

How she can walk in those all day I have no clue.

However when Renée entered into the room she looked, to put it nicely, like a zombie.

She was working green Sweatpants and a black hoodie with cyan vans. She looked ready to drop dead.

"Why is it so early? I just wanna sleep. Is that so wrong?" Renée said as she dropped her head on the table next to her food.

I sighed and warmed her food. She drank her tea and had her breakfast. Lilith had already finished and put her dishes in the sink and washed them before leaving them on the drying rack.

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