Chapter 9

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Hey you guys and gals. I was debating if I should write the story of the battle for Moria or just put a video. I decided to write it instead because why the hell not. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Bare with me please. I was working in this when I should be working on my assignments. SHHHH. Don't tell my parents. that I'm straying up later than I should on a school night. Anyway here you go. Onwards my readers.


Third Pov

They travelled for the whole day and stopped at a cliff when the sun started to set, making camp. The girls groaned as they got off the ponies. Their thighs were in so much pain. They have never ridden on a pony pony before, let alone more than 3 hours.

Kili got off first and helped Renée. As soon as her feet touched the ground, her legs gave out and she would've fallen if not for Kili holding her. He held his arm around her waist and waited until she got some feeling back into her legs. The same happened with Kate so Fili held her against him.

Lilith was also sore but not as much as Renée and Kate. She walked to them. Eventually the girls were able to feel their legs again and managed to stand up with a bit of help.

When they felt well enough to walk, they tested a few steps and were relieved. Renée and Kate thanked the boys, making them grin and wink at them before heading over to Thorin. They just rolled their eyes but didn't stop the smile that made their way to their faces. It was officially night and the girls did their own thing.

Renée helped Bombur with supper, Kate stayed near the ponies and spoke with Dori about who knows what. Lilith was helping gather firewood for the fire. Finally after the long day, everyone had supper and got some sleep.

Thorin told Fili and Kili that they were on the night watch. Renée had trouble sleeping so she took out her phone and read some books. She hoped it would help her fall asleep but so far no luck. She tried closing her eyes and thinking of something else but still no luck. She huffed and gave up. She knew she wasn't going to fall asleep anytime soon so she got up and walked to where Fili and Kili were.

She sat by Fili and leaned against her back against the wall.

Renée's Pov

"Can't sleep?"

Fili looked at me while he took a puff from his pipe. Kili looked up and saw me sitting by Fili.

"Nope. I often can't fall asleep. I'm used to it. I think my mind is still awake. Plus you never know who might attack you in your sleep. Besides, I prefer the night. It's more calm and peaceful."

I moved closer to the fire and put my hands out, in hopes that my hands would warm up. Kili looked at me and took off his coat before handing it to me.

"Here, it'll keep you warm."

"But won't you get cold?"

"Nah, Dwarves are able to handle the cold. Here, take it. You need it more than I do."

He smiled at me and I got up and walked to where he was. I sat with my back against the wall, taking his coat and covering me. I stared at the fire and watched the flames . Something about fire has always interested me. I don't know what it was but I feel safe and alive when I see it. Sometimes I wish I could touch it. Kili moved closer to me so I shifted a bit and put my head on his shoulder.

I could feel Fili smirking from here. I swear he's never going to let this go. I ignored it and started to drift off. I don't know why but I feel safe and comfortable when I'm with Kili. I don't need to pretend.

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