Chapter 2

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Hey y'all. I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. I was so tired that managed to get half the night before and I finished the rest. I had my best friend help me with the editing. The pictures of the characters will be done soon so please be a bit more patient. They will be ready as soon as possible. I cant wait to see them. Anyway happy reading, Bye.


Renée's Pov

We walked out and saw the forest but something about it felt different. I don't know what it was but it almost felt like we were far from home. I shook my head and looked at my friends.

"Something feels different. I don't know what it is but It feels like we are far from home. Maybe the insomnia is finally catching up to me. Come on you two, I'm hungry and sleepy."

They nodded and we walked back to where our stuff was but we kept getting lost so it took longer than expected.

Everything felt weird and it was worrying because A) I didn't wanna die in a forest. I haven't even gotten laid and I don't wanna die a virgin and B) I can't let anything bad happen to Kate and Lilith. They are my best friends and my sisters. I noticed a weird looking hill so I walked towards it and what I saw will forever shock me.

There were hobbit houses and hobbits walking around. I felt like I was in a dream and it was my favourite book and movie trilogy. I looked at my friends to see if they were seeing the same thing and they were. Eyes widen with shock and their mouths hanging open. We all looked at each other then the hobbits then each other once more.

"Um we're all seeing the same thing, right? It's not just me finally going insane?"

I asked as I looked at them. They all nodded in shock.

"So we're in middle earth. But how? It's physically and scientifically impossible. This must be some prank. I refuse to believe that we are in middle fucking earth and one of our favourite books. Maybe we hit our heads and we're dreaming."

Kate tried to rationalise but we knew that we couldn't all be having the same dream so the only explanation we need to find Bilbo Baggins. If he's old, then lord of the rings and if he isn't then the hobbit. It's a good thing we read both books and watched all the movies so we have an understanding of what's gonna happen. Now let's get going -Err Lil you okay?"

I looked at Lilith and she looked like she was in a trance or something.

Maybe she was getting cool ideas for news layouts for our apartment or she just really liked the calming vibes.

Out of absolutely nowhere she comes out of the trance and screams,

"Hell yea!".

Yeah that sounds about right, I thought. After we had calmed down we began making our way down the hill staring in wonder at everything.

Third Pov

As they walked through Bag End, the hobbits looked at them with complete shock and some even started whispering but they just ignored it. A few looked at them with disgust because of their outfits but they couldn't care less. They asked around where they could find Bilbo but everyone just ignored them or tried to avoid the three new visitors.

Finally one of the female hobbits took pity on them and decided to help them find Bilbo. So she walked up to them to offer her help and the three human women were very grateful and followed her. As they walked to Bilbo's hobbit hole they made small conversation and quickly became friends.

Finally they reached a wooden fence leading to a round door. On the fence was a small wooden mailbox and written on the box was the words Bag Ends. They thanked her when they got to the gate. Kate felt some connection to this place, for some reason it felt like home, and she didn't know why. So she just shrugged it off thinking it was probably nothing. They walked up the stairs and gently knocked on the door.

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