Chapter 18

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Hey everyone. Sorry this is so late. Been busy celebrating also I know this is a bit late but Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to all. I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. I know I did. we had Lunch at my house. Let's just say the tension was high. I got to spend the evening with my family and got a lot of money from my aunts. Shame my baby cousin wasn't there cause he was sick but its okay. I also got to spend time with my dads family. So that was amazing. I haven't seen in a long time. I hope everyone had an amazing time and enjoy this lost day if 2023. Because tomorrow is 2024. I'm not ready😅😥. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and again I'm sorry for being a bit late.  Anyway Onwards Readers.


Third Pov

The girls were getting ready to meet the White Council. Gandalf explained to Thorin that it would be best if the girls went with him. He wasn't happy about that and neither was Bilbo, because they were their daughters and they feared what could happen. The girls reassured them and the rest of the company that they'd be fine and they would be with Gandalf and Lord Elrond. 

Fili was scared to be parted from his love but Kate reassured him that it wouldn't be forever and they would be reunited soon. He knew she was right but still didn't like it. The others didn't know of their relationship so they went to the fountain where they confessed their love for one another. They shared a passionate kiss, Fili putting all his love in the kiss so that Kate knew how much he loved her and she returned it with just as much love. He put his forehead to hers, whispering in Khuzdul that he loved her. When they parted and returned to the group, she gave him a reassuring smile. She hugged the others goodbye.

Meanwhile with Renee, she reassured the group that they would delay the council for as long as possible. She gave them a reassuring smile, knowing they were not happy about it. They had come to love the girls as their kin. Plus they were the babies of the group so they hated it even more. Kili wasn't happy about it. He hated that they would stay back. He wanted them with the group, he wanted Renee with him so that he could protect her and put his mind at ease, knowing she was safe by his side but he knew that this was the best option. Renee noticed that Kili was extremely quiet, which was very weird considering how much of a menace. She walked over to him and sat down next to him.

"Are you okay Kee?"

"I just wish there was another option, one where you all come with us but Gandalf's right. This is the best option."

"Hey, it's not forever. We'll be together soon. All of us. Besides you guys need us so much that you'd probably unintentionally insult someone if we weren't there to put you in your place. But I mean it, I won't let anything keep us apart. Not even death."

"You better. I can't lose you, Renee. Or Kate or Lili. Mainly because one is my family and the other will become my sister...hopefully. "

"Yea, they thought they were subtle. But I'm happy for them. Kate deserves to be happy."

"They do. I'm happy to call Kate my sister and Lili my cousin."

"And me? What am I to you?"

Kili looked Renee in her eyes. She looked so ethereal and beautiful. She had the most beautiful doe eyes he had ever seen. She looked almost innocent. He couldn't tell her, fear of rejection. He loved her. He put his hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb on her cheek with a soft smile.

"I don't think I can say just how important you are to me. It would take forever."

He leaned down and kissed her forehead, whispering something in Khuzdul that she didn't understand before walking away. She just stood there, not sure what to think. He kissed her. Could he- No he can't. He can't love her. He's a dwarf prince. It would never work. She watched him talking to Ori. She knew she had fallen for him. And she fell hard. She looked around for her sisters and saw Lilith standing next to her father. She felt her chest tighten. She wished her father was still here. She missed him so much. And her mother. She wanted her parents back.

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