Chapter 15

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Hey again. Here is the next chapter. There is a surprise. No I won't tell you. You need to read to find out what it is. You'll like it...I hope. I'm also not gonna take up any more of you time. So onwards. Also the video is part of the surprise. Play it when you get to it.


Author's Pov

Now let's get back to the book before Renee and Lilith get even more hangry. We need some Grumpy Thorin because who doesn't like Grumpy Thorin. If you don't, Your parents never loved you...Kidding. Or am I? Okay I'm really kidding but you really are uncultured. Now I think we should listen to what the grown ups have to say, aka, Lord Elrond and Gandalf and a childish dwarf but it's fine because we love him.

Third Pov

Lord Elrond was looking at the swords that Thorin and Gandalf found in the troll cave. He paid close attention to the runes on the swords.

"This is Orcrist, the Goblin Cleaver. A famous blade, forged by the High Elves of the West. My kin. May it serve you well" Thorin bowed his head in thanks before Lord Elrond turned his attention to Gandalf's sword.

"And this is Glamdring, The Foehammer. Sword of the King of Gondolin. These swords were made for the Goblin Wars..."

Bilbo was listening as Lord Elrond spoke. He wondered if maybe his sword was anything special. He unsheathed out a little and examined it, turning it over, Balin took note of this.

"I wouldn't bother laddie. Swords were named after the great deeds that they do in wars."

"What are you saying? My sword hasn't seen battle?"

"I'm not actually sure it is a sword. More of a letter opener really." Bilbo looked at his sword and then back at Balin. Unsure of what to think. Lord Elrond turned to Gandalf, returning the sword to him.

"How did you come by these?"

"We found them in a troll-hoard on the Great East Road, shortly before we were ambushed by orcs."

"And what were you doing on the Great East Road?"

Thorin then excused himself. Gandalf was trying to think of something. Lord Elrond just watched as Thorin walked away.

"Thirteen dwarves, A halfling and three women. Strange travelling companions Gandalf."

"These are the descendants of the House of Durin. They are noble, decent folk. They are surprisingly cultured. They've got a deep love of the arts."

"Change the tune, why don't you. I feel like I'm at a funeral."

"Did somebody die?"

"Alright lads and lassies there's only one thing for it."

Oh dear. Here we go. Get ready everyone.

The girls were clapping their hands for Bofur' s beautiful performance. He bowed and winked at them. The elves seemed to disagree but they didn't care. Lilith and Kate were cheering and shouting. Renee hugged him when he sat down again, making Kili frown.

"Bofur, that was absolutely amazing."

Aww thank you lass. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Hell yea we did. Damn That was fucking brilliant. Right Kate, Lily?

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