Chapter 14

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Hey you guys and gals. I'm sorry this is so late. I have been writing exams this past two weeks and I still have one more left. Also my best friend just had her matric ball so she was unable to edit it. You should have seen her. Looking like a fucking goddess. Anyway I have already worked on the next few chapters. Ill try to get it out as soon as possible. Please be patient. I know I hate school too but that's life. I just want to mentions that Renee's hair is dark brown. Kate's hair is dark brown as well and Lilith's hair is dark blonde so when you see their outfits and hair, imagine dark brown and dark blonde. Anyway I wont keep you any longer. Now read on. That's why you're here right.


Third Pov

It was time for the girls to get up. Kate woke up feeling well rested especially after all that running. She sat up and stretched her arms and looked at her sisters. They were still passed out. She chuckled before getting up and walking to the cupboard. She's not one for dresses but they would be in the presence of posh people so they had to dress up a bit. She opened it and saw an array of beautiful dresses. She looked through them in amazement for she had never seen such dresses before in all her life.

She heard a groan from behind her and turned to see Lilith waking up, rubbing her eyes and hair sticking out in so many different directions. She tried not to snort but failed. Lilith glared at her before rolling her eyes and turning to Renee. She pushed her off the bed because it takes hours to wake Renee so this was the best option. She just shook her head and walked over to the bed.

Renee was throwing anything she got her hands on. Lilith had a pillow in front of her as a shield . Kate took the show from Renee and hit the back of her head. She pouted at me but Kate just rolled her eyes. They were like little kids sometimes. She swore they are going to give her grey hair before 30. She was getting to mentally old for this shit. Renee got up and sat on the bed.

"Are you two down acting like children? I swear you two are worse than kids. Look, we have to get ready for supper so stop fooling around. Lilith, apologise to Renee for pushing her off the bed and Renee, you too for throwing stuff at Lilith."

Kate sounded like a mother scolding her children. The other looked at each other before looking away, murmuring sorry to each other. Kate glared at them and they knew not to test her patience. They apologised to each other and hugged it out. Kate was happy. Lilith got up and walked to the cupboard. She has a better fashion sense unlike the other two. She looked through them before taking out a beautiful royal blue and black dress, a red dress with beautiful sliver designs and forest green dress with flowers.

"Damn that's fancy as fuck. I don't do fancy. Anything less fancy?"

Kate hit Renee's arm, causing her to pout. Lilith walked to them and placed the dresses on the bed. She took the green one, Renee took the red one. Kate looked at the blue. She wasn't very confident in how she looked. Renee saw her becoming very hesitant about the dress. She went behind her and took her to the mirror, making her standing in front of it,

"I know what you are thinking. You are absolutely beautiful okay. You are going to look like a fucking goddess. Fili's not going to be able to take his eyes off you. Don't be scared Kate. Go for it. You are a badass. Own it. And your body is perfect. You got curves. Flaunt them."

She smiled at her through the mirror, turning and giving her a tight hug. She looked behind her to see Lilith holding the dress up to her. She was hesitant at first. She then remembered her mother's words.

"Sweetie, you are perfect. It's okay to get dressed up every once in a while. You don't do it for men or women. Do it for you. Flaunt what your mama gave you. Be confident. You are absolutely beautiful and anyone with eyes can see that. Even blind people, they just imagine it and see a fucking goddess. Fuck what people think. Take pride in your body. You got this, my little angel."

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