Chapter 8

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Hey you guys. Hope you are doing well. They are finally going in their journey. I hope you enjoy. Happy Reading.

Also here are the girls outfits.


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Kate's Pov

I woke to something warm laying on my body. I noticed that it was still dark out but not too dark. I opened my eyes and noticed a fur coat over me like a blanket. I heard a sound next to me and realised that I slept in the living room near the fire with Renée leaning against. I noticed that she also had a fur coat over her but it was darker.

I shook her in an attempt to wake her up. I looked around and noticed Lilith wasn't too far from me so I crawled to her and shook her. She opened her eyes and looked at me with a glare.

"You have 5 seconds to explain why you just fucking woke me up."

"We are leaving soon but we need to make some breakfast for everyone. I need your help, Renée is still knocked out."

She looked behind me and saw that Renae was still in deep sleep and knew there was nothing or no one who could wake her. Lilith groaned but agreed, getting up and yawning.

We both walked past the sleeping dwarves and tried to be as quiet as possible because they needed to rest. The journey was going to be a bitch. I walked into the pantry and realised I could make bacon and eggs. I heard movement behind me so I turned around, Thorin yawned as he walked to me.

"Oh good morning, master Thorin. Lilith and I are about to make breakfast for everyone. You guys need your strength."

I smiled at him as I got the ingredients and walked to the kitchen, Thorin following behind me.

"Thank Lady Kate. It is much appreciated. I will wake the others. I would like to leave at dawn so we can cover as much ground as possible. Please let me know if you need some help. I'll let Bombur know as he is the cook for our group."

He smiled softly at me but it dropped a bit as he looked at what was on my shoulders. I looked at the coat I had on.

"Oh I found this on me this morning. I think one of them gave it to me to make sure I was warm."

"That belongs to Fili. If you would like I can give it to him, Lady Kate."

He offered his hand indicating that he would take the coat. I took it off and gave it to him.

"Oh thank you. I'll be sure to thank him when he wakes up. Oh and please just call me Kate. I'm the furthest thing from a lady."

I rubbed the back of my nape, looking at the floor awkwardly. Thorin just chuckled at my shyness.

"Very well La-Kate. I shall go and wake the others now."

He walked out to wake the others. Lilith and I got to work and started making breakfast. Bombur came in to help us and told us about himself and his family. 14 children?!! Damn. That's amazing. I could never.. I hope I get to meet them one day.

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