Chapter 17

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Hey y'all. Things are about to get super duper emotional. Make sure you have a box of tissues because I can assure you, there will be crying and there will be laughing. Al I know is that this is gonna make you feel stuff, So good luck, Enjoy and happy readings. Now onwards, my readers.


Kate's Pov

To say that everyone was surprised would be an understatement. I'm pretty sure one or two of them fainted. I mean it's not every day that they find out that Thorin Oakenshield has a daughter who is part-elven and who has been with them since the beginning of the trip. But once we passed all of that, they cheered and gave Lilith hugs, congratulating her. Fili and Kili were beyond happy to have a cousin. They hugged her so tight, I'm surprised that she didn't burst, Balin gave her a warm smile and hug, welcoming her to the family. Renee and I just stood on the side, looking at how happy everyone was. We couldn't be happier for Lilith. I found my father and Lilith found her family. I looked at Reni with a sad look. She doesn't have a family anymore. She's the last one. It's not fair. They should be here.

It was night-time now and everyone was sitting around the fire. The girls and I decided to tell them the truth. The dwarves were surprised to learn that they were from a famous book. Renee explained how we got here.

"So you went into a cave and saw a pool inside it. Then walked out and found yourselves here?"

"Yep. We know it's weird. I mean we were surprised when we realised we were no longer home. But now I'm glad it happened. Lilith found her family and I found my father. Still a bit mad that Mama didn't tell us but I don't blame her."

Renee nodded. Lilith was sitting in between Balin and Thorin. She had her head on Thorin's shoulder. His arm wrapped around her back and his coat around them both. Soon Bofur took over, telling stories about the Blue Mountains. Everything just felt right. I smiled at my new family. I couldn't ask for anything better. My eyes gravitated to Fili. He was smoking his pipe, leaning against the wall with his legs up, laughing with his brother at Bofur' s story. He looked so beautiful. I couldn't help the blush that made its way to my face. I can't seem to get him out of my mind since Bag End. I needed some time to myself. I got up and excused myself and walked around. I stopped when I found a small pond. I sat down on the edge and put my hands in the water. It was so cool and comforting.

Then I thought, what if I had magic? I mean I did also go in the pool when I was a baby so maybe it did something to me. I decided to test that theory. My hand hovered above the water and I concentrated. The water rose from the pond to my hands, making him lose concentration and the water went back into the pond. I decided to try it again and the same thing happened. I stood up and watched as the water kept rising and I let out a surprised noise. I was able to manipulate water. I did some cool tricks that I saw in movies and TV shows. I laughed as I played with the water. It was all around me, entwining around my hands like vines but made of water. After a while I stopped, returning the water to the pond. I can't wait to tell the girls. They're going to freak out.

I heard footsteps coming up behind me. I turned around and saw Fili walking towards me. I smiled at him, making him return it with a wink. I just rolled my eyes.

"Well hello stranger. What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you."

"Ooh did you miss me that much?"

"Of course my lady. It's boring when you are there. Plus I can't let you walk around alone. You might get lost."

I raised my eyebrow, a smirk making its way to my face, " Oh really? And you have the whole place mapped out? Oh, thank lord you came. I am saved. Now I won't have to worry about getting lost. My prince- no wait, My dwarf in shining armour. My hero."

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