Chapter 3

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Hey guys. So I'm sure you all figured out the deal with Kat and Bilbo and I'm positive you guys wanna know if you are right or not. Well why not read and find out. Let's hope that you are right. Also Imagine baby Kat with light brown eyes and dark brown hair as well as bit tanner. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter. Happy reading.


Third Pov

It's been a few months since they landed in Middle Earth and took up residence by Bilbo. It's been hard for them to adjust to their new lifestyle. It was harder because they were so used to technology so they had to learn how to live without it. They had certain jobs they did everyday. Lilith was in charge of washing the clothes and hanging them out to dry. Kate was incharge of the dishes and washing up. Renée made up the beds and cleaned around the house.

They all helped Bilbo with the garden and shopping. They had to wear different clothes because they couldn't walk around with their clothes due to it being so much different from the rest. They didn't want to stand out any more than they already do.

They managed to get the jobs that Bilbo was talking about not too long after he told them about them. Kate and Renée worked at the tavern and they were able to adjust to that very quickly. They didn't need to work everyday. They only worked 3 days a week because they were still newbies so their boss took it easy on them.

Lilith was babysitting for her neighbour, Maria. Maria was worried at first but after seeing her with the kids she knew that she had nothing to worry about. She became good friends with Lilith and also met Renée and Kate one afternoon when they came to visit Lilith.

They all became very good friends and would often visit her and have tea with her. Bilbo became a father figure to the girls which they all loved as their fathers were unknown to them.

Lilith never knew her father as it was a sore topic for her mom. Kate thought that her dad was already dead as she also lost her mom at a young age due to a sickness. While Renée lost her parents in an accident.

So the girls started to see Bilbo as a father figure and they grew to love him. He was patient and kind to them since they arrived at his door. They also thought he was also very funny.

It kind of reminded them of Kate.

Renée's Pov

I was busy cleaning the counter at the tavern that Kat and I work at because we had a big crowd that couldn't hold their liquor and made a huge mess. Luckily I managed to clean the counter and even the surrounding floor.

Since I was done with my shift and so was Kate we made our way to Maria's house to help Lilith with the little hobbit she babysits. When we got there we saw Maria carrying some bags trying to open the door. So I went to help her to find her keys when Lilith opened the door and we all packed away the groceries.

"Thank you Girls. You are all such sweethearts. I hope you two haven't been working yourselves too hard at the tavern, Renée and Kate. Hmmm? And I hope that the kids behaved and didn't cause much trouble for you, Lilith. They've been more energetic these last few days."

"We haven't been working ourselves too hard, Maria but thank you. Hey, Lilith, we will be waiting for you at Bilbo's while you finish up."

"Kay, I'll see you in a bit, girls." She responded to me as both Kat and I made our way to Bilbo's. Kate stayed in the garden as she loved nature and I made my way inside to tidy up.

Lilith's POV

I shake my head as the girls leave. And then turn my attention to helping Maria with her bags. I start chuckling at her whilst packing the food away in the pantry.

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