Chapter 13

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Who's ready for the chase scene? I sure as hell am not but the show must go on. Id probably be dead if I ran this much. I would fall within the first few minutes. Ironic isn't it. I'm a dancer and I used to do athletics yet I get a stich in my side when I run. Welp God really  took his time with me. Anyway Enjoy my lovely readers. 


Third Pov

Radagast appeared out of the forest on his sled. He got the orcs attention as they chased after him on their wargs. The company waited a bit before running into the large vast field. Gandalf was leading them to who knows where. The girls stuck near Bilbo to make sure he was safe. They made sure to stay out of sight using the rocks and boulders as cover. The girls were struggling to keep up, mainly because they are completely unfit. Renee almost fell but Kili caught her, helping her up. He grabbed her hand to make sure she didn't fall behind. Fili did the same with Kate who was struggling as well.

Lilith's Pov

We kept running. I was near the front with Thorin when he stopped. I noticed Radagast coming a bit closer. I was worried the orcs would spot us but they were so focused on Radagast that they didn't even notice.

"Stay together."

Gandalf said with a grave expression. We turned and continued running. I looked to make sure my sisters were alright. I sighed in relief that Fili and Kili were with them. Bilbo was also keeping up so I focused on running. We ran until we got to a large boulder. I could hear the orcs as they moved closer. Ori ran past me, almost getting spotted.

"Ori, No!"

Thorin pulled him back by his collar just in time. I grabbed and pulled him next to me. He looked at me and nodded. I smiled at him in reassurance.

"Come on. Quickly."

"Where are you leading us?"

Gandalf didn't say anything. I knew we were going to Rivendell. If Thorin knew he'd be pissed. We all ran until we noticed the orcs closer. We ran to hide behind a huge boulder. I was between Bilbo and Dwalin. Renee was in front of me next to Thorin. My guess is to shoot the son of a bitch above us. We heard the warg snarl above us. We held our breaths. I reached for Bilbo's hand, squeezing it tightly. Thorin then looked at Kili, nodding towards his bow before turning to Renee and doing the same thing. Renee and Kili looked at each other, giving silent confirmation. They both quietly drew their arrows. They then ran out, shooting. Renee shot the orc and Kili the warg. Renee shot it again, seeing the horn in its hand. The rest of the dwarves killed them but unfortunately not quietly. It alerted the others, causing them to stop chasing Radagast and turn in the direction of the noise. Gandalf stepped out and realised that they caught on to us. My sisters and I looked at each other. We knew what was about to happen.

"Move. Run."

We all ran, following after Gandalf. My sisters were near me which I was very grateful for. The orcs got closer and closer.

"There they are."

"This way quickly."

We kept following Gandalf. Eventually, they surrounded us. I took out my axe and Kate took out her sword. We got closer together. I made sure Bilbo was behind me.

'They're coming."

"Kili, Renee shoot them."

"We're surrounded."

Kili and Renee started shooting. I moved closer to the rest of the group.

"Where's Gandalf?"

"He's abandoned us."

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