Chapter 11

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Hey yall. Here's the next chapter. I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I was finishing my assignments so I didn't really have a lot of time but now I'm done. Just have to wait for exams. Also my parents don't know that I'm working on this so I will have to be extra stealthy. Anyway I hope you enjoy. Onwards My fellow readers.


Renee's Pov

Lilith has been gone for a while, I was beginning to worry. Kate had used our code but that was a while ago. I know she can handle herself but a part of me worries. I looked around the camp. Everyone was doing their own thing but I noticed Dwalin wasn't here. I hope he's okay. Maybe he went to the bathroom plus the dude is tough so he can handle himself. Oh wait, Lils did say that Dwalin was with her, ugh you know what they can both take care of themselves. I looked up at the sky and saw the burning sky.

It looked so beautiful, almost as if the world was on fire but it wasn't it. It was so calming for me. I sighed as I looked over at Kate. Tonight was the night the company gets captured by the trolls. No doubt they're going to make us stay here but this can work to our advantage. I looked at papa and he was staring into the direction Gandalf left. He stood near the entrance of the farmhouse next to Bofur who was dishing up stew for Fili and Kili.

"He's been a long time."



"He's a wizard, he does as he chooses. Here, do us a favour: take these to the lads."

Bilbo carefully took the bowls and made for the forest. I heard noises from the first and turned to see Lilith and Dwalin talking. I was so confused. They almost looked as if they were close friends. Thorin's not going to like that. I grinned at the thought of Thorin glaring at Lilith whenever the two have conversations. He looked like an abandoned puppy.

They came up to where I was. I looked up at them and smiled. Lilith sat next to me and Dwalin sat next to her.

"Hello Master Dwalin. Thank you for bringing her back. She would have probably been training till morning so you really made things a lot easier for Kate and I."

"Hey. That's not true, I can stop whenever I want." I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and smirked. She then huffed and crossed her arms with a pout.

"Oh calm down. I was only joking. Jeez, cranky much? Go get something to eat now or else Kate's going to drag you by the ear.. again." We both shivered at that thought. She got up and went to Bofur, who greeted her with a smile and gave her a bowl of stew. I turned to Dwalin.

"Mister Dwalin. I was wondering if I could ask you something. You can say no of course. Would you be open to training Kate, Lilith and I? We don't want to be useless. We know enough to handle people but orcs are a whole different story. We want to be useful on this quest. Would you consider it?"

Dwalin looked me in the eyes and was quiet for some time. I couldn't read his emotions which I was usually good at. I was starting to get nervous and was about to tell him never mind when Lilith and Kate came over to us.

"Good evening mister Dwalin. Hey si-you okay Ren? You look like you are going to combust."

"Oh I'm good. No worries. Just enjoying the beautiful weather." I spoke in such a strained voice. Kate knew I was lying by the face I made. I just sighed and told her what I told Dwalin.

She sighed and sat down on the other side of me while Lilith sat in her previous spot and ate her food. Kate was probably against my idea but we need to learn how to defend ourselves. We aren't some damsels in distress. I turned back to Dwalin to hear what his answer was. He looked as if he was deep in thought. Maybe he was actually considering it. I prayed that he was. He finally looked back at us with a serious look.

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