Chapter 6

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Sup MFS. I decided to let Kate have her moment in the spotlight. You will also learn more about the girls in this chapter. The hard and sad truth. Also I was too lazy to do everything by the book. Also please realise that this is just a story and there may be some stuff that trigger you. If it does then don't read it because I care about your health but if you feel like you can handle it then go for it. This is a very intense chapter so I'm warning you now.  I hope you enjoy. Now onwards my fellow readers.


Kate's Pov

It was absolute chaos. There were dwarves everywhere. They were taking all the food out of the pantry and we just brought that. Not to mention, Ren is going to get hangry soon.

I stood out of the way as Dad tried to stop them. I'm surprised I haven't fallen yet. As I walked to where the girls were, one of the dwarves pushed past me and knocked me over. I closed my eyes and braced myself to meet the floor but strong arms wrapped around my waist. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Fili holding me to his chest.

I blushed like crazy. He helped me stand up straight and I thanked him before turning and walking quickly to my sisters.

"Ooh la la, someone's got a crush on a certain blonde haired dwarf. Do I hear wedding bells? Can we be the bridesmaids?"

Lilith kept smirking at me while Renée hummed the bride's march. I hit them at the back of their heads and told them to shut up. We looked at the dwarves and sighed at the mess they were making. That's gonna be a lot of food to clean up. We just leaned against the wall and watched them act like animals but it was pretty funny.

Renée leaned against me and I knew that she was done with socialising for the next few days. Balin looked at us with a 'why aren't you eating' look and we just mouthed that we didn't want to disturb them. He just chuckled and waved us over, showing the space next to us.

I informed the girls and we manoeuvred our way to where he was and sat next to him. Since Ren and Lilith already ate, I got some meat and salad because I didn't feel like eating too much. I finished my food rather quickly and looked around the table. Balin introduced us to all of them and vice versa. They were very sweet and kind to us.

"So you are Mr Baggins daughter. How did you meet these two?"

Gloin asked, causing everyone to look at us. I looked at Renée because she's the best person to handle this.

Renée's POV

"Well that's a story. Let's hope my brain wont shut down this time. Kat lost her mom when she was two and Bilbo thought she was dead but really she was taken to an orphanage. My family adopted her a year later. But all good things come to an end. My parents died in an accident, causing my older brother, Kate and I to go to the orphanage where we stayed for two years. Lilith's mom then adopted us when Kat, I and my brother, Tommy, were 9 and we lived with her until we were around 20. But then just last year she passed away so yeah that's our story. Been together since we were 6."

I explained as I held Kate and Lilith's hand. Lilith looked down when I spoke of Mama's death. She still hasn't gotten over it.

"And you brother. What happened to him?"

Ori asked. I looked down, letting a single drop before wiping it and looked at them.

"He was killed when we were 18. He was walking home from work when someone threatened him with a knife and tried to mug him but when he refused, the guy stabbed him and ran. He left Tommy bleeding out on the floor in an alleyway. We found out a few hours later."

Kate was trying to keep herself together but I know she was having lots of trouble but that was the last straw for Lilith. She got up and left. It was too much for her.

Lilith and Tommy were very close. Hearing us talk about him hits a nerve because she hasn't gotten over it. She wanted to kill the guy responsible. After we lost Tommy, we all gave up a bit. Lily sorted doing weed and drinking, basically anything you can think of so numb the pain, Kate stopped eating and lost her spark.

Hell, she even stopped drawing and slept until 11 in the morning. I began self harming and staying in my room. My marks slipped and I slept all day. Mama couldn't handle that so she did everything she tried to stop our unhealthy habits.

She managed to help me get help after I was found lying on the floor, bleeding out from cutting my wrists and attempting suicide. It also seemed to make Kate realise the situation so she got back into art but she isn't eating as much as she should have. Lilith was the only one who just ignored mama and kept doing drugs and drinking. She even began sleeping around and having one-night stands which we didn't comment on because we didn't really mind that just as long as she was being careful and safe.

It was only after mama got sick that she stopped. She does smoke but not as much as before and she cooled down on the drinking. After we lost mom, she was tempted to go back to her old habits but we stopped her. Her death is still so painful for us so we aren't really over it. But we're trying and that's what is important.

All of the dwarves just looked at us with sombre looks but we have accepted our reality. Kate and I excused ourselves so we could check on Lilith and we found her sitting in the living room. She looked at us.

"I'm feeling a lot better, you two. I just needed to get out. It was a bit too stuffy. I promise I didn't do anything. I just had a smoke."

She got up and walked to us, pulling us into a hug. We returned it and pulled away before doing a special handshake that we had. We walked back to where Bilbo was and let's just say he was pissed. He was complaining about the dwarves to Gandalf. Ori then came up to me.

"Sorry, I hate to interrupt, but where should I put my plate?"

Fili then came up to him.

"Oh here you go Ori. Here, give it to me."

He then threw it at Kili who caught it while having a pipe in his hand and threw it into the kitchen.

We looked at the stack of clean dishes and over mouths flew open,

"What the actual fuck? That was so cool. You gotta teach us. Imagine how quickly we'd get the dishes down. Ooh I can see it now."

Lilith was literally fangirling but she's got a point. That was fucking brillant. Gandalf laughed at our childishness. We then heard a knock on the door. The entire room became stiff and serious and we all looked at the door.

"He's here" 

Oh boy. Here we go. Lets just hope Lily doesn't try to kill the guy. Not like the dwarves will allow that. This is gonna be interesting. The last thing I need is having to bury someone's body in the back yard because Lily couldn't control herself. Plus we read the book ad watched the movies so we know what's going to happen but even now its still feels like we never know what's going to happen. I just need to remember that I cant fall in love with Kili. I cant risk ruining the events of the story. Besides we were brought here for a reason and I think I know exactly what it is. I just pray to God or whoever the fuck is up there, that we wont fail because I don't think I can handle anymore death. 


Well that was intense. I bet you guys weren't expecting such an emotional backstory. I wanted to try a different approach and this has been on my mind for a whole so I thought this would be a nice backstory. You got to see a very cute moment between Fili and Kat. I hope you guys liked it.  Do you think Lily is going to get angry in the next Chapter? And who is at the door? So much chaos. I'm excited to bring more chaos and drama. *Cue evil laugh* Anyway see you in the next chapter. Byeeeeeeee.


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