Chapter 5

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Is everyone ready? I know I am. I can tell you now to get some popcorn so you can watch the chaos unfold. Also there will some hints  throughout the chapter so You will get a hints if the true personalities of the girls. I'm warning you know, go to the bathroom now or you will have an accident from all the laughter. Anyway You have been WARNED. Good luck and enjoy. Now onwards my fellow readers.
Here are their outfits.


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Third Pov

Bilbo looked at us with confusion and walked to the front door with Kat. He opened the door and saw a bald and muscular man. He looked at Bilbo and bowed.

"Dwalin at yer service ."

Kate nodded at him with a smile but Bilbo was still so confused. He quickly came to his senses and tied his robe before standing taller with the confused look still on his face.

"Bilbo Baggins, at yours. My daughter Katherine. As well as my adopted daughters Lilith and Renée"

Dwalin nodded and smiled at Kate before walking in with his usual brooding face without invitation.

"I'm sorry but do we know each other?''

Bilbo asked as Dwalin was looking around before looking back at Bilbo with an offended expression,

"No. Which way, laddie? Is it down here?"

Bilbo looked at him with as much confusion as he could muster.

"Is what down where?"

Dwalin took off his coat and threw it at Bilbo.

"Supper. He said there'd be food and lots of it."

Kate tried not to laugh at her father.

"Oh of course master dwarf. Please follow me. I bet you're hungry from your journey."

Dwalin nodded and followed her to the kitchen where Renee and Lily were. They had already finished their food and washed up their plates. They heard footsteps and looked up to see Kat and Dwalin.

"Oh good evening master dwarf. Renee and Lilith at your service. You must be hungry. I'll get you some food. Please take a seat."

Renée smiled as she got him a plate while Lily showed where he could sit. Dwalin sat down and Renée brought him some fish. He thanked her and started eating. Renée just stood by Lilith and Kate.

Bilbo came into the kitchen and watched him eat, disgusted. Dwalin scarfs down all the flesh off from the fish. He drops the bones onto the plate, wiping his hands on his beard.

"Very good, this. Any more?"

"What? Oh, yes."

Bilbo passes a plate of biscuits that Lily made earlier but before he did, he placed two in his pocket. Dwalin grabs most of the biscuits and stuffs them down his mouth.

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