Chapter 16

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HELLO MY FELLOW READERS!!! I hope you're ready for this chapter because there's so much that's going to be revealed so get the popcorn and drinks. You're in for a bumpy ride. Also feel like I should mention that Thorin will be a bit OOC (out of character).  Anyway I hope you have tissues because its gonna be an emotional time. So lock the doors, put sad music on and get to reading. Enjoy. Now onwards my children. 


Third Pov

It's been a few days since settling in Rivendell. Dwalin has been teaching the girls and throughout training, he got even more impressed with the girls' skills. When he informed Thorin, he decided to watch their training to see for himself the girls' progress. So far he was just that, impressed.

Currently, he was watching Renee and Kili sparring. Kili attacked first, to anyone who had fighting experience would see that he was clumsy with his movements, but Renee blocked his attack very easily, she used her quick reflexes to step to the side to get out of the way of his attack. He stumbled and attempted to fight back but Renee was faster. She kicked behind his knees to make him fall, and quickly Kili turned to defend himself with his sword however Renee managed to use her own to send his sword flying out of his hand and brought hers to his throat.

Thorin was very impressed. He didn't expect Renee to be this good. He underestimated her. He had already seen Fili and Kate fight. She was also very good. Almost won but in the last second Fili was victorious. He had yet to see Lilith fight. She was going to spar with Dwalin the next day. He had a feeling that she would last against Dwalin. He was surprised that the girls could hold their own but at least he didn't need to worry about them being inexperienced.

It was currently night time and the company were sitting around the fire, telling stories and jokes. Thorin sat next to Dwalin and Balin. They were discussing who knows what. Renee, Kate and Bilbo sat next to Gloin, listening to him speak about his family and even saw pictures of them.

Bofur, Bifur, Nori, and Oin were telling stories as Lilith listened, laughing at them. Kate sat next to Renee with her head in Bilbo's lap. Fili and Kili were being little menaces. Now I bet you're all wondering what Thorin, Dwalin and Balin are talking about. Say no more. Let's go and eavesdrop. Balin and Thorin and Dwalin were smoking from their pipes.

"I am quite surprised that Renee managed to beat Kili. She seems very well trained. Good job brother. And Kate almost beat Fili. We have yet to see Lilith's skills but I have faith that she will do just fine. The lassies are very skilled."

"Aye, they are. Renee was able to figure out almost all of Kili's moves, she managed to overpower him. Kate was very good, she still needs a bit more lessons but I think she's very skilled. I have a feeling that Lilith will be able to hold her own against Dwalin. I am very interested in how the fight will go tomorrow."

"Me too. The lass looks like she can handle herself. They are very strong, despite them being very small and nimble. I think we can make warriors out of them. Maybe they'll surpass Fili and Kili."

They all chuckled.

"I've noticed something, Thorin. Lilith is a lot like how you were when you were a wee lad. When I first met her that night in Bag End, her face reminded me of you, especially her smirk. Her personality is a lot like yours. Loyal, and protective of her friends and family. It's almost like a female version of you. But she's also a lot like Elenor. Her love for nature, she's understanding and stern but fair and kind. I see the way she is with everyone. She sees them as her family. She's protective of her sisters and Bilbo. She feels that responsibility to keep them safe like you did after we lost Erebor. I have a feeling she would get along well with Dis. All of them would."

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