Chapter 12

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Hey everyone. Sorry this is a bit late. I've been preparing for exams and my friend was very busy to edit but eventually she did. I struggled a bit with this chapter. I swear I almost pulled all my hair out, trying to find the right weapons for the girls. Anyway I hope you enjoy. Have fun. Onwards.


Kate's Pov

We helped the dwarves down from the spit and out of the sacks. They got their stuff and weapons. I walked over to them.

"Is everyone okay? Sorry, we took forever."

Everyone nodded and I sighed with relief. We went back to the campsite and got our bags. I can't believe that happened. I knew it was going to, but it was still more scary than in the movies or books. At least everyone's okay. Once we had everything we went back to the troll statues. I noticed Thorin and Gandalf talking so I walked over to the girls, who were sitting near Fili and Kili. They noticed me and smiled.

"Well, that was an interesting night, right girls. Haven't had an all-nighter in a while." Lilith and I snickered at Renee's comment. I sat next to Lilith and leaned my head on her shoulder. I was so tired. Dealing with three trolls with the brain size of a nut is very exhausting. I'm beat. I looked over at the boys, specifically Fili.

I don't know why but I feel so drawn to him. I can't help but want to be near him all the time. He gets my heart racing and I just want him to hold me. To feel close to him. I know I can't allow myself to fall for him. He's a dwarf prince. I'm just me, a hobbit. What could I offer him? I sighed and looked away, hiding the tear that rolled down my face. Maybe this feeling will go away on its own. I could keep telling myself that but I know that it never will. Damn my heart for betraying me.

Third Pov

Gandalf explained that there should be a cave nearby that the trolls used during the day. They walked until they smelt something. It was so disgusting and inhumane. The girls were surprised they hadn't passed out from the smell. They walked until they stopped in front of the cave. The smell was so bad that they were tearing up. A few decided to stay out and keep watch while Thorin, Gandalf, Dwalin, Bofur, Nori, Gloin and the girls went inside. The girls walked around looking for something that might interest them.

Renee went looking around for new weapons because she left hers back home on Earth. She walked to a wall that had bows but one caught her attention. She picked it up and examined it. The bow was decorated with golden designs, making it seem enchanted in a way. The quiver was made of leather with the same designs. It looked strong and the arrows were unlike anything she had ever seen. They had beautiful red feathers, soft to the touch and the ends were golden. She knew that this was her new weapon. She strapped it to her back and continued looking around. She looked at the swords and picked one. She unsheathed it and fell utterly in love. It was just her length with a beautiful black handle. She sheathed it and put it on her belt.

 She sheathed it and put it on her belt

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