𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚.

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Standing in front of the full length body mirror, I gazed off at my puffy eye bags from the previous night, finishing up my essay.

Right now it is eight am and my brother, Asher has a game with his AAU team in about thirty minutes. It will be the first time I see him play in a while since I've also been busy with my former, AAU team. On a high note, it ended last Friday with a win.

Do I have a strong feeling I will see Nelson? Yes, of course. He's literally on the same team as Asher.

But not in any bad way at all. Nelson actually looks like a kind and nice person from the last time I've seen.

The sound of the doorbell filled every hallway of the house. Quickly, I rushed down to stairs, Figuring if it could be my parents returning from errands, knowing they have a key.

Reaching the last step of the stairs, I felt light-headed from how fast I gotten up from a while nap but that all didn't matter once I visualized a frizzy, blonde curly- head from the glass door in front of me.

Fuck, my hairs probably messy right now

Rushingly, I patted down both sides and opened the door. My eyes had a mind of their own landing on a pair of blue ones.

Maybe he's Asher friend?

There lied a short silence as we both admired the other's features.

"Sorry." I snapped out of the gaze to see him showing his blue colored braces.

Why is every guy with braces so damn attractive?

"I'm Avery." I smiled and shook his hand. "You're good." He assured. "I'm Nelson. Is Asher home?"

"Yeah, come in. He should be upstairs in his room." I distended the door and resorted to the side. "Alright, thanks." Nelson's smile didn't once leave his face as he walked towards the newel.


Holy fuck, she's gorgeous.

I walked up the stairs realizing I've just interacted with the prettiest girl ever seen.

But who even is she?

I knocked on Ashers bedroom door. "Come in!" I heard a shout from the other side of the door. "Hey, man." I pushed the door open and made my way to dab him up. "What's up." His eyes stayed focused on the game.

Fuck, I have to ask.

Everyone knows how it goes when talking to the older brother.

Are they even related?

"Who's that brunette girl that greeted me in?" I asked, confidently. Finally, he made contact with me but with his left eyebrow up.

Just kill me with the controller

"Oh!" He exclaimed and took off his headphones. "That's my little sister, Avery."

I nodded with a pout, looking away to cover the bright grin on my face.

End of flashback.

Asher, Our brother, and I walked into the gym the game were hosted in.

My father, a Petroleum engineer, were always busy with work. When he were to receive the chance, he would make his way out to attend Asher and I's games and support.

I looked over to my older brother but he had disappeared with all the people surrounding the sideline's.

"Cam!" I shouted over the crowd for his attention.

Weird I know Cam and not Nelson? I know. I've known Cam for a while since obviously he was my brother's coach, but as well we'd see eachother here and there so we've gotten use to the little greets.

Cam turned around from talking to his camera that was held by a man with a cap. "Hey, little one! How's basketball been?"

"Good! My last game was Friday." I told him with a smile. "Good, good. Well, since your season is about to end.. how about you come and tryout for my girls AAU team?" His arm was around my shoulder and we both stood in front of the camera.

I was shocked.

Cam wanted me on his girls AAU team?

Before I could say a word, he introduced me as the 'girl prodigy' to his viewers. I waved and then responded back with, "Hell yeah! I'll be on the team. When are tryouts?"

"That I don't know yet I'll let you know when I find out." He replied. "Okie doks. See ya, Cam!"

"Bye, Avery!" And with that being said, I wandered off to find my mother in the huge crowd. I never enjoyed a big amount of people all at once but the little open path that led me to her bright cyan shades made me think otherwise.

Before I could inform Cam's new information to her, I felt a ball roll over and gently hit my bare ankle. "My bad." Nelson went down to grab it, he then looked up.

"Hey, Avery! Came to see the game?" He went in for a hug.

"Yup." I pulled away with a bright cheeks.

"Looks like some may not be locked in." Cam told his camera enough for Nelson and I to hear. I playfully rolled my eyes and returned back to the short conversation. "I'll see you.. after the game?" Nelson asked after recovering from Cam's remark. "Of course, yeah." I nodded and we both left with a quick bye.

It went from feeling like Antarctica in the said gymnasium to the fucking dessert.


Tiredly, after every game, I walked out of the locker room with my bag. The mood was to always brighten my tiredness when we won. And let's just say that was all the time with Rod Wave Elite. But that's beside the point. I turned the corner to see crowds of supporters shouting for my attention but that all went to one pretty girl, Avery.

"Hey, Ave!" I exclaimed over the crowd and she looked up from her phone. "Hey, Nels!" She had a huge smile on her face. The way her warm, chestnut eyes swirled into my sky- like blue ones. And her dimple that stood out every time she smiled was just adorable.

It was like she was the only one in the room.

"You going to the girls tryouts soon?" I asked. "Yes sir. Cam said he'd let me know what day, are you going?" She looked up to me.

"Mhm, I'll be there. You're a point guard, right?" I asked.

I most definitely look like peppers cousins right now

"Yup. Been once since, I would say the fifth grade."

It's like you couldn't not smile around her. Avery's eyes, her brown silky hair, her personality. It's like she's perfect. Maybe because she is. You just couldn't get enough of her.

Asher walked towards his little sister and I, "Nelson, you tryna sleep over twin?"

"Hell yeah, for sure." I dabbed him up.

You're the only one| Nelson NeumannWhere stories live. Discover now