Random Day

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Yn: Mom I am going to university

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Yn: Mom I am going to university.
Mom: OK my child but first finish your. breakfast. Look u are becoming so thin day by day. Someone will say your mom don't give u food.

Yn: Mom nobody will say anything and also i had already finished my breakfast when u were talking. See, I am no longer thin.(laughing)
Mom: You naughty girl, when will you grow up. Huhh?? Now go or else u will be late.
Yn: Yes yes but Where is dad?
Mom: Beta u know na he is always busy in his work. He told me that today he had a meeting with other companies so he left early.
Yn: ok but he should take rest also na.
Mom: yaa...right.
Yn: Mom, i am leaving now. Bye love u.
Mom: ok bye..love u too My child and take care of yourself, eat your food on time and be safe on roads.
Yn:(chuckling) ok ok mom, My god so many instructions.

She then left the house and her mom went to do her work.

Meanwhile Yn was walking on footpath then suddenly someone backhugged her

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Meanwhile Yn was walking on footpath then suddenly someone backhugged her. Yn turned around and saw Bhumi, her cousin sister.
Yn: Gosh, bhumi u scared me.
Bhumi: ohh...comeon sis nobody hugs u like this. So, how can u not know me?(pout)
[Bhumi:She is yn's younger cousin sister. She lives in her dorm. Her parents lives in India. She is studying medical here. Yn told her to live with them but she told that she will shift in yn's house after 1 week.]

Yn: Actually u are right sissy. My mom and dad hugs me from front and nobody backhugs me like you do.
Bhumi: Yeah I know that and u don't even have a boyfriend right!
Yn: Yes absolutely right. But I want a boyfriend who will love me, care for me and protect me.
Bhumi: (teasing) Ohoo...(suddenly makes a straight face) ok now go or else u will be late...
Yn: What go huhh...u are also coming with me did u forgot that we are in same uni?
Bhumi: ok ok now shall we go miss?
Yn: Yes miss. (Sarcastic)


You both entered the university and saw your friends coming towards you

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You both entered the university and saw your friends coming towards you. Rose, Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa approached u whereas solar, Yeji and Tzuyu who are Bhumi's friends approached her and she went with them. Meanwhile u were talking with your friends but someone blocked your way.
?: Hey hottie!!!

Who do you think has blocked yn's way?

Stay tuned for next chapter

Arranged for Love || J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now