First Kiss

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[Yn was just standing there listening to his confession. Her eyes became teary and she was so happy that he also loves her back.]

Yn: I love you too jungkook.

[Jungkook smiled and hugged her tightly. She also hugged him back. Then they broke the hug and stared into each others eyes, then jungkook leaned towards her and placed his lips on her and kissed her passionately. Yn also kissed him back with full of love. Then after sometime they both pulled apart.]

Yn: you know today is the best day of my life as I got a beautiful confession from the love of my life. Thanks kook for making this day special.

Jk: most welcome baby.

Yn: (blushed) BTW was it your first kiss?

Jk: Yeah..

Yn: ohh..but it was not my first was my second. And you know my first kiss was unexplainable. (she teased him)

Jk: (jealous) who was your first kiss Then?

Yn: are you somehow jealous?

Jk: ofcourse I am. Now tell me his name.

Yn: okay okay....his name is....

Jk: is...!!??


Jk:!!?? How?? When??

Yn: Relax...relax...I will tell you. So remember our graduation party when you got drugged by selin. That day you forcefully kissed me in our room.

Jk:'s so embarrassing.

Yn: (laughed) it was so funny.

[Yn was laughing continuously so suddenly jungkook pulled yn on his lap  by her waist.]

Jk: now laugh Mrs. Jeon. (She stopped laughing)

Yn: kook...what are you doing? (Shy and nervous)

Jk: baby, why are you sluttering huh? BTW I really like when you call me 'kook'. (Teasing tone)

[Yn was so shy that she hid her face in Jungkook's chest and he chuckled on her cuteness and hugged her close to him.]

Jk: cute baccha now let's go and eat dinner then we will head to our home.

Yn: okay.

[With that they both started eating their food. But jungkook was continuously staring at yn.]

Yn: kook can you please stop staring me?

Jk: No I can't (smiling) you are too beautiful to resist.

Yn: ohh god this boy. My dear hubby first eat your food or else it will get cold.

Jk: (smiled) okay wifey.

[After that they both had their dinner spent their romantic time together and then went to their home.]


Yn: finally we are at home. I am really tired (Pout)

Jk: aww baby...let's go and sleep.

Yn: Hmm.

[They both went to their room and slept while cuddling and hugging each other.]


Yn pov: I woke up and it was 9 am. Then I saw my kookie sleeping peacefully while hugging me tightly. He was looking so cute. Then I kissed his forehead but he woke up.

Jk: good morning baby.

Yn: good morning kook.

Jk: Haye beautiful. (He leaned to kiss her)

Yn: started in the morning only. Go and get ready we have to go for work also.

Jk: okay. (He was about to go to bathroom but suddenly turned around and kissed yn and after a good kiss he ran to bathroom)

Yn: (blushed) pervert...(smiled)

[They both got ready and went downstairs and saw their parents sitting in the living room and talking.]

Yn/jk: good morning everyone.

Parents: good morning kids.

Yn: When did you all came?

Mrs. Chauhan: just few hours ago.

Yn: Mom then you should have wake us up na.

Mrs. Jeon: we knocked your door but you both were in deep sleep i guess as no one opened the door, so we didn't disturb you.

Jk: mom dad we are leaving for office.

Their moms: what about breakfast?

Jk: we will eat outside.

Mrs. Jeon: ohoo...okay okay (teased them)

Yn: aish we are leaving bye. (They both left from there.)

Mrs. Chauhan: these kids are very shy. (Chuckled)


Mrs. Jeon: jungkook your dad wants to see the papers of the deal he signed with the Kang company 6 months ago. Can you tell me where are the papers?

Jungkook: Mom the papers are in a file and the file is in the drawer of my room.

Mrs. Jeon: okay and did you and yn ate your breakfast?

Jk: Yes mom we did.

Mrs. Jeon: okay then take care. Bye.

Jk: Bye mom.

Mrs. Jeon's pov: (she entered in their room) okay so let me check the drawers. Let's start with the drawer beside their bed. As I opened the drawer there were 4 folders. Then I started to check all the folders one by one.

After that she first check the blue folder, then she opened the black folder and then the pink one but the papers were not there. Then she opened the last folder to check whether the papers were there or not. The folder was of green colour. As soon as she opened the folder and started reading her eyes widened, the folder fell from her hand and she stumbled on her steps.



Jk: Mr. Kang is the work done which I gave you?

Mr. Kang: Yes sir everything is done as you said. Felix and selin are behind the bars in charge of misbehaving with ma'am yn and illegally giving you drugs.

Jk: okay I am leaving.

Mr. Kang: ok..BTW sir I forgot to tell you that madam is waiting for u downstairs.

Jk: okay.

[Then he went downstairs and saw yn waiting for him. He went towards her and hugged her. Then they both went to the mansion.]


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