Wedding Day

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The wedding hall was beautifully decorated. There was no rush and no crowd. Only close relatives and friends were invited. Jungkook was standing on the stage. He was looking so handsome. After few minutes yn entered the hall holding her father's hands. She was looking damn pretty in her white gown, with flowers in her hand. Her dad gave her hand in Jungkook's hand and told him to take care of her to which he nodded with a little smile. The wedding started and the priest told them to take the vows...

Jungkook: I, jeon jungkook, take yn chauhan to be my wife for better, for worse, for poorer, for richer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart.

Yn: I, yn chauhan, take jeon jungkook to be my husband for better, for worse, for poorer, for richer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us apart.

Priest: do u, jeon jungkook take yn chauhan as your wife?

Jungkook: I do.

Priest: do u, yn Chauhan take jeon jungkook as your husband?

Yn: (took a deep breath) I do.

Priest: okay...u both are now husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

Yn:(in mind) after listening to the priest my eyes widened and my heart started to beat faster. I was so nervous as well as scared that my first kiss will be someone whom I don't love.

When she was thinking all these jungkook suddenly pulled her towards him and kissed her. Yn was hella shocked with her eyes wide opened. The people started clapping and cheering for the newly wed couple. For the people this was a normal kiss but only jk and yn know the truth. As soon as he pulled her for kiss he put his thumb between their lips so that their lips don't touch with each other. After sometime they pulled back. They clicked pictures with their friends and family and had food. It was the time for yn to go to jeon's mansion.

Mrs. Jeon: children let's go home.

Rm: Yes aunt.

Jk/yn: Yes eomma.

All of them headed to their house. Yn and jk were tired so they slept in car with yn's head resting on jk's shoulder and his head resting on her head.

Mrs. jeon: so cute. (Smiled)
(Now i am gonna address Mrs. Jeon as eomma and Mr. Jeon as appa)

After sometime they all reached the mansion. Mr. Jeon then woke up jk and yn.

Eomma: yn dear welcome to jeon's house.

Yn:(smile) thanks mom.

Appa: jungkook take yn to your room. You two must be tired, go and sleep.

Jk: ok dad. Good night both of u.

Yn: good night mom-dad.

After that Mr. And mrs. Jeon went to their room, rm went to his room and jk walked towards his room followed by yn.

Jk:(opens the door) yn this is our room. You should go and freshen up.

Yn: okay. (Then she went to bathroom, showered and changed into comfortable clothes.) I am done. Now u can go.

Jk: Hmm.
(After that jk went to bathroom and yn started drying her hairs. After 10 mins jk came out and went straight to the table, took some papers and gave it to yn.

Jk: yn you can read it and sign it.

Yn:(frowned) what's this??

Jk: these are contract papers. I have already signed it.

Yn: ok (yn reads the whole contract and signed it and gave it to yn.)

Jk put the papers in green folder and put the folder in the table's drawer.

Yn: jk u can sleep on bed I will sleep on couch.

Jk: ok as u wish.

Yn: Hmm.
[They fell asleep as they were tired.]

Yn is getting ready because she woke up late and is now getting late for her classes. She came downstairs and saw eomma and appa. She greeted them. Rm already went to uni.

Eomma: yn u go and sit and eat your breakfast. I specially made it.

Yn: thank u Mom. And I am so sorry for not helping u.

Eomma:'s okay yn. And yes no need to say thank to me. You are my child now...understand.

Yn: Yes mom.

Eomma: where is jk? Today is his first day in university. He should not be late.

Yn: he is getting ready mom.
[Meanwhile jk came downstairs running and ate his breakfast hurriedly because he was getting late.]

Jk: Bye mom. I am going. I am getting late.

Appa: Hey where r u going? Take yn with u also.

Jk: fine dad. Yn come fast i am in car.

(Yn finished her breakfast, hugged eomma and appa and went for uni.)

Appa: my daughter is really so sweet.

Eomma: u know what, I always wanted a daughter and now I got one.

(Meanwhile yn and jk went to uni and jk was driving the car so fast. They were now 5 mins away from university when yn spoke...)

Yn: jungkook stop the car. I will get out here.

Jk: why?

Yn: because if anyone saw us coming out of the car together then they will doubt us and question us. And I don't want that.

Jk: okay.

Yn get off from the car and jk drove off. He went to university before yn. After 5 mins yn entered the university and saw jungkook with his hyungs. And then yn's friends came and she went with them. Yn was sitting in the class and was studying while talking that's when the teacher came.

Mr. Lee: good morning students.

Students: good morning sir.

Mr. Lee: Students today we have a new student with us. Come and Introduce yourself...

?: Hello everyone...

Yn pov:
I was least bothered about the new student, and I was reading my notes. But then I heard the voice of the student, I got shocked and shot my head up to see the student. And yes the student was non other than....

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