Indian Wedding

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Jk and yn entered the house and saw their parents sitting on the sofa while crossing their hands.

Jungkook: what happened to you all?

Mr. Jeon: did you both really accept this marriage with your own will?

Jungkook: (frowned and shocked with his sudden question) Yes dad we do. Is it even a question to ask dad?

Mr. Chauhan: And what about you yn? Did we forced you for this marriage or you accepted it with your own will?

Yn: Dad i accepted this marriage with my own will you never forced me...but what happened why are you asking these questions?

Mrs. Chauhan: because of this...(pointing towards the folder.)

[Yn and jungkook were totally confused of what is happening there. Then jungkook took the green folder and yn and jk both got shocked after seeing the papers inside it as it was non other than their "CONTRACT MARRIAGE" papers.]

Jk: is...actually....

Mrs. Jeon: what!!! I am so disappointed jungkook.

Mrs. Chauhan: Yes you both didn't even bother to tell us. Have you become this much big huh??

Mrs. Jeon: before marriage we asked you if you both want to marry or not? Right!

Mr. Jeon: we never forced you both.

Mr. Chauhan: you both agreed for the marriage with your own will right!!

(Yn and jk were looking down with teary eyes.)

Jk/yn: y..yes.

Mr. Jeon: then why you both took this step.

[They both didn't said anything and remained silent while hanging their heads low.]

Mrs. Chauhan:'s enough now. If you both don't want this marriage then you should get Divo...

(She was cutted off by jungkook)

Jk: (teary eyes) no mom...please don't talk about divorce. I really love my yn. This contract was made by us in the past. But now I love her truly and I can't even imagine to live without her. We are sorry for our mistake please forgive us.

Yn: Yes mom i also love jungkook very much. We are very sorry mom-dad.

(Their parents sensed their sincerity in their words and eyes. Their parents looked at each other and then said..)

Mrs. Jeon: okay but on one condition. You two will get punishment.

Yn: Mom we are ready for every punishment but please don't separate us.

Mrs. Jeon: okay so you your punishment is...that you will marry each other again with true love and not any contact.

Yn/jk: (happy) Mom this is the sweetest punishment ever. We accept it.

[Yn and jungkook went to their parents and hugged them tightly.]

Mrs. Chauhan: But kids don't ever think about this type of things again okay.

Jk: I promise mom we will never. There will be no need of it. (They said and teared the contract into pieces.)

Mr. Jeon: Wait wait guys....but this time I want the marriage to be in 'INDIAN STYLE'. How's this idea?

Mr. Chauhan: ohoo that will be fun.

Mrs. Chauhan: Indian weddings are really exciting. It's like an occasion of 4 to 5 days. We all will enjoy a lot.

Arranged for Love || J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now