Discussion of Festival

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Yn and bhumi were arranging breakfast on the table and after sometime jk and rm come down fully dressed.

Rm: good morning yn and bhumi. (Smile)

Jk: good morning sis. Good morning baby...

Yn and Bhumi: Good morning to u too.

Yn: come let's have breakfast.

They all did their breakfast while talking. After breakfast the four of them were ready to go out...

Yn: bhumi where are you going?

Bhumi: dii I forgot to tell you that from today I have to practice in hospital.

Yn: ohh okay.

Rm: then I will drop you come let's go.

Bhumi: it's okay Rm-shi. I can go by myself.

Rm: excuse me miss, I am not asking you, I am telling you. And also call me when your work is done I will come to pick u up. (Smile)

Bhumi: o..okay. (flustered)

Jk: ahem..ahem...if you both are done then can we go...(teasing tone)

Bhumi: (shy) a..am...I am in the car..bye. (she ran from their)

Yn: (chuckles) kook I am waiting for you in the car. (She left)

Jk: hyung what happened to the business deal with the jung's company?

Rm: I have talked to them. They will come to my company today for meeting.

Jk: that's great. All the best!

Rm: thanks now let's go.

Then they all left the house. Jk and yn went in one car and rm and bhumi went in the another car. Rm dropped bhumi at the hospital and went to his company. Similarly, jk dropped yn at her company and then went to his.


Manager: sir your new secretary is here.

?: Hmm...let her in.

Manager: okay sir. [After 10 mins]

Jiya: may I come in sir.

?: Yes come in. (She entered)

Jiya: good morning sir. I am jiya and I am your new secretary. (She bows to him while smiling)

Jiya was smiling but her eyes popped out when her boss turned his chair and faced her. She was shocked.

Jiya: you??

?: Yes it's me your new boss. How r u?

Jiya: why didn't you told me earlier?

?: I wanted to surprise you. (Smile)

Jiya: (disbelief) are you for real suga...ohh sorry..I mean boss.

Suga: Hey u don't need to be formal with me. You can call me suga when we are alone.

Jiya: okay. (Smile)

Suga: now tell me my schedule.

Jiya: Yes, today you have two meetings. One is after 2 hours and another one is at 4 pm.

Suga: ok..gud...so u have to check the documents for the first meeting. And also you will attend the meetings with me from now onwards. Your cabin is just beside my cabin. You can start your work. (Smile)

Jiya: okay. (Bowed and left)

[After 2 hours, jiya entered Suga's cabin]

Jiya: suga, you have a meeting now.

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