Announcement at College

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Jungkook: Mom atleast tell us where r u all going?

Mrs. Jeon: ohh we are going to Paris.

Jungkook: Wow that's really a great place.

Yn: Yes.

[That day in evening bhumi called yn and told her that she is very excited to live with her.]

Yn: Are u excited because of me or RM?(teasing her)

Bhumi: Oh my holy moly...can u stop di. I am excited because of u only. And u are teasing me very much right...just wait till I come there then I will pair up with my jiju and will tease u a lot...

Yn: (laugh) ohh is it? Okay then let's see.

Bhumi: yeahh yeahh.

In this whole 1 week you and mrs. Jeon spent your time together. You both went for shopping together, cooked together and did many more things. You were so happy to have a mother in law like her. Seeing the two of u together, jungkook and Mr. Jeon also felt very happy. In this period of time you and jungkook started to talk with each other.

Yn and jungkook went to see off their parents at the airport. And while returning they both picked up bhumi from Chauhan's mansion.

Bhumi: hello jiju and di.

Jungkook: hello my dear sister. How are u?

Bhumi: I am good. And what about you?

Jungkook: I am also fine. (Smile)

Yn: are u both done or not? And you (pointing towards bhumi) did u forgot me?

Bhumi: ofcourse because remember I told u that i am going to pair up with my brother to trouble u.(laughing)

Yn:(disbelief) it?

Bhumi: Yes, right jiju?

Jungkook: ofcourse. [They both laughed]

Then they reached the mansion. And RM  came to welcome bhumi.

Rm: (nervous) hello bhumi...

Bhumi: (Nervous too) hello...

Jungkook and yn were watching them from far. Yn was smiling while jungkook was confused.

Jungkook: Hey yn.

Yn: Yes what?

Jungkook: why are u smiling while looking at them?

Yn: you didn't get it?

Jungkook: (confused) what??

Yn: (done face) then leave it.

Jungkook: yn tell me. I am so curious.

Yn: don't tell anyone okay.

Jungkook: okay.

Yn: Actually bhumi likes Rm.

Jungkook: (smile) that means my baby sis is in love. That's amazing.

Yn: shh...slow down your excitement...don't shout.

Jk: okay then let's go inside.

Yn: Hmm...ok...

Then the four of them went inside the house. Yn tell bhumi her room which was on the right side of yn and jk's room. And rm's room was on the left side of their room.
On the same day at night they were doing their dinner together and were talking about some random things.

Jk: (suddenly) bhumi we are the best brother and sister. Right?

Bhumi: ohh yess yess absolutely.

Yn: ohh hello you both are best but at second place because I and rm are the bestest brother and sister. What say Rm-shi?

Rm: absolutely correct yn.

Then they all Started bickering and teasing each other and didn't realise that it was already 10 pm now.

Rm: ok guys stop now. It's already 10 pm. We should sleep. We have to go to university tomorrow.

Yn: Yes yes. We must sleep now.

Jk: Hmm. Ok then good night everyone.

Bhumi: Good night sweet dreams.

Rm: good night sweet dreams.

Yn: good night.

[They all went to their rooms to sleep. The next day they all woke up, had their breakfast and went for university together. The four of them went together  but at the university gate rm and jungkook goes separately and yn and bhumi goes separately so that no one can doubt them. They went to college together and also came back after attending it. The four of them now become close to each other. They didn't know that someone was secretly watching their each and every move.]


Mr. Lee: students there is an important announcement for all of you.

The whole class starts whispering.

Mr. Lee: class keep quiet. So the announcement is that you all will be going to have a week off from college starting after 2 days.

All the students became happy and started talking about what they will do in their holiday.

Mr. Lee: silence everyone. It's not your vacation. The college is giving you holiday so that you can complete the project which I am going to tell you now.

Random girl: oh no...again project.

Mr. Lee: so in this one week you have to visit different different places and you have to make a report about that place and submit it after 1 week.

Yn: wow...It's interesting.

Mr. Lee: and yes don't forget that it's a group project. Each group will have either 2 or more than 2 members. Understood??

Everyone: Yes sir.

Mr. Lee left the class and students start discussing about their group and project.

Jennie: yn, Rose, Lisa, jisoo let's make a group of ours.

Lisa:, yn can't be in our group. We'll be group of four only.

Yn: (frowned) why I can't be in your group?

Lisa: (teasing tone) because someone is eagerly waiting for u to be in his team.[points at jungkook] look there.

Yn pov: I saw towards Jungkook and he was staring at me only. So I immediately looked back at Lisa and gave her an awkward smile.

Lisa: ahhhhh....someone is blushing.

Yn: stop it Lisa.

Lisa: yeahh don't get angry I stopped already.
(All the 4 girls started laughing.)

Jungkook's pov:
When Mr. Lee told us to make a group of four I thought that I, yn, rm hyung and bhumi can make a group. So I looked at yn and suddenly she turned back and caught me staring at her.

Jk: aishh....what will she think about me now?

(On the way back to home they were walking while discussing)

Jk: I think for the project we four should make a group. How is it?

Bhumi: Yes brother. It will be fun.

Yn: Yes yes it will be very fun...right bhumi (teasing)

Bhumi gave her a death glare and she laughed a little.

Rm: Yes it will be exciting. We will enjoy a lot.

Jk: okay so now we are a group and we have to decide where we should go for the project purpose.

Yn: we will tell each other about the places we thought at the dinner time. Till then we can think about nice places to visit.

Bhumi: ok perfect.

Then they went to their house and started thinking about the best places to visit.

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