Somewhere Jealously Somewhere Romance

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Suga is in his cabin checking the files of upcoming project and jiya is in her cabin completing the remaining paperwork. In these days Suga's love for jiya grew more stronger whereas jiya also started to fall for him. Suga is very protective and caring towards jiya which she can feel. They both spend their free time together.  On the other hand ms. Cha is very jealous of jiya. She is unable to stand the closeness between between both of them. Right now it's evening and jiya has completed her paperwork. She headed towards Suga's cabin to give him the papers. She entered his cabin without knocking as he only allowed her to do so.

Jiya: suga-shi the papers are com--

But then she stopped on her words and her heart somehow broke into pieces after watching the view in front of her. Ms. Cha was sitting on Suga's lap while hugging him tightly. Seeing them like this jiya froze on her steps while suga was also shocked by ms. Cha's behavior. When he saw jiya was watching them fear started to overpower him. Fear of losing his love. Seeing jiya, Ms. Cha smirked.

Ms. Cha's pov: I wanted to separate both of them and when I saw jiya going to Mr. Min's cabin, I immediately went to his cabin before her, sat on his laps and hugged him tightly. He was shocked and tried to push me many times but I hold him tightly and that's when jiya entered and saw us. [END OF POV]

Ms. Cha: yah! Don't you know how to knock the door and call him sir, he is your boss.

Jiya: (looks down with teary eyes) I am sorry ma'am and sir.

She put the file on the table and ran out of the cabin. Seeing her running with tears in eyes suga lost hid temper and harshly pushed Ms. Cha and run behind jiya but ms. Cha hold his hands. Suga's anger was on peak, he harshly yanked her hands and ran out of the cabin.

Ms. Cha: what's there in that girl that he is not even ready to look at me. (Angry)

[Suga comes out of his cabin but didn't find jiya in her cabin so he asked the other employees.]

Employee: sir ms. Jiya already went home.

Suga: darn it.


Yn was taking bath and jk was on call with his mother.

Mrs. Jeon: kook I want to ask u one thing?

Jk: Yes mom..

Mrs. Jeon: you and yn are married for over 1 month now so when are you planning to go on honeymoon. We also want to see our grandchildren.

Jk: (chuckles) Mom we will go soon, after finishing our work.

Mrs. Jeon: okay fine.

Yn: (from bathroom) kook...

Jk: yes coming yn...okay bye mom...yn is calling me.

Mrs. Jeon: okay bye. (Hangs the call)

Jk: Yes baby...

Yn: can you please pass me the towel, I forgot it on the bed.

Jk: (smirks as an evil idea popped in his mind) sure baby.

Jk took the towel from the bed and walk towards the bathroom but instead of giving her the towel, he opened the door, entered inside and locked the door. Yn's eyes widened and she snatched the towel from his hands and wrapped it around her body. Jk chuckled and pinned her to the wall.

Jk: you are looking beautiful baby.

With that he attached his lips to her neck and gently kissed to which she moaned closing her eyes. After sometime he detached his lips from her neck after giving a peck on the hickey he created. He pulled her closer with his one hand on her waist and and another on her head smoothly caressing her hairs whereas yn's both hands were resting on his chest. Both of them were looking directly into each others eyes.

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