Suga and Jiya's Marriage

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Right now it's 8 pm and yn, jk, bhumi and rm are watching movie. Specifically, only bhumi and rm are watching movie and our couple is busy in cuddling and talking. Then after half hour the movie ended. Yn stood up and turned off the TV.

Yn: let's sleep guys. (Said without watching them) good nigh--

Jk: (puts his hand on her mouth) shh...babe...see (points towards rm and bhumi) 

Yn looked them and was awestruck by the view. Both rm and bhumi were sleeping very close to each other. Jk and yn were looking at them with 'aww' face but then a mischievous idea came in yn's head. She took out her phone and clicked their picture and then immediately woke them up.

Jk: what are you doing baby?

Yn: just wait and watch kook. It will be fun...guys wake up fast.

Rm: what happened yn?

Yn: check your phone, I sent you something.

Rm and bhumi were confused but when they check the msg both of their eyes widened. They both looked at each other and blushed meanwhile jk was just controlling his laugh. It was their picture  while sleeping.

Yn: kook see aren't they looking cute?

Yn and jk started teasing them. Rm scratched his head shyly and bhumi was a blushing mess. They were embarrassed too.

Bhumi: why did you do that di?

Yn: it's called revenge my dear sister.

Bhumi: what?

Yn: remember in the past you also clicked our picture like this right, so it's a revenge for that.

Bhumi: wahhh....jiju look at your wife now she is taking revenge from me. I will not spare you.

She was about to chase her but the door bell rang making the four of them frowned. They looked at the time and it was 9 pm. Then they look at each other.

Jk: Who can be there at this time?

Rm: I will see.

Rm opened the door and there were suga and jiya standing there with a smile.

Yn: jiyaaa....(Excited)

Jiya: ynnnn...(excited)

They both ran and hugged each other like there is no tomorrow.

Jiya: hello bhumi. (Smiles) how are you?

Bhumi: hello jiya di. I am fine and you?

Jiya: I am also fine.

Jk: what a surprise hyung.

Rm and jk hug suga too. Then they all sat on sofa.

Yn: jiya bro. Long time no see. How are u? What's with the sudden arrival and that too at this hour?

Jiya: I am absolutely fine and we came here with a very special news.

Yn: What it is? (Curious)

Jiya: me and suga are getting married.

Suga: and that too in India.

Jk: (jungshooked) oo man holy shit! Congratulations both of you.

Rm: congrats jiya and hyung. (Smiles and hugs suga)

Yn: omo..omo..bestie...many many congratulations. (Hugs her)

Bhumi: congratulations both of you. (Smiles)

Jiya/suga: thanks guys.

Rm: btw Who proposed whom first?

Suga: I proposed her today.

Everyone except jiya and suga: ohoooo....

Jk: romantic. (Teasing)

Suga and jiya blushed.

Jiya: stop it guys.

Yn: okay tell me when is the wedding? (Excited)

Jiya: yaar, its a destination wedding in Rajasthan after 2 week. Our parents decided the date today only.

Jk: wow it will be cool right!

Yn: Yes it will be.

Rm: i have heard destination weddings are vibe.

Bhumi: Rm-shi it's also very interesting and exciting.

Yn: but suga oppa why did u both decided for Indian wedding only.

Suga: because my parents saw both of your marriage pictures. I also told them about how exciting indian weddings are. And my parents wants to enjoy that too, so our parents decided that the wedding will be in India only. And you know what, My mom was that much excited that she gathered your parents and already told them everything. And our mom's being hyped up already booked flight tickets for india. Now my, yn's and jk's parents are going India day after tomorrow. I am still in shock like how can they plan everything in just half day. (Amazed)

[Everyone laughed listening to Suga's story]

Bhumi: but they are going way too early isn't it?

Suga: I know but they told me that they have to select and book the venue so it will take time.

Yn: Yes it indeed will.

Jiya: yn, I and suga are going after 1 week. So will you guys come with us?

Yn: I don't have any problem as all my important meetings are scheduled for next month, so I am in.

Rm: I and jk will also come as we recently completed our most important business deal together, so nowadays work load is very less...what about u bhumi? (Stares her)

Bhumi: (stares him back and smiles) I will complete my work in this week so that I can take leave from the hospital so I will also come with u. (Both of them were staring each other ignoring the surrounding but come back to earth when...)

Yn: ahem...ahem...(laughs a little)

Suga: okay so we six will go together.

Jk: why six hyung? What about others?

Suga: they are recently busy with their works, meetings etc. So they told me that they will come 2 days before wedding.

Jk: ohh okay.

Jiya: I also asked girls but they are on vacation with their families. So they can't come.

Yn: it's okay.

Then day after tomorrow they bid goodbyes to their parents as they were leaving for india. After coming back to home, they did their work. One day before their flight all of them packed their luggage. And the very next day, the 6 of them look the flight for india in morning. After a long journey they finally landed in India. Yn/m send the location of the palace to them. So they directly took the cab and went to the palace where their parents were eagerly waiting for them. All of them greeted the elders and sat with them and did a little chit chat. Then after sometime all the elders stood up and went in to check the preparations that was going on for the wedding. But a msg suddenly popped in yn/m's phone to which she Smiled and came towards the 6 of them.

Mrs. Chauhan: yn, jiya and bhumi I have a big surprise for you three.

All of them frowned.

Yn/jiya/bhumi: what it is mom/aunt?

Mrs. Chauhan: just look at your back. (She pointed towards the entrance of the palace.)

The 3 girls turned to look at the entrance  and their eyes widened seeing the person who was standing there.

Yn/bhumi/jiya: RAJJJJ...(they shouted together with happiness. )

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