Cute moments

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They all were chit chatting in between. Soft music was playing in the car. After 2 hours yn was feeling sleepy and slept on Jungkook's shoulder.

[Jk pov: I was watching outside then I suddenly felt something on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw yn sleeping on my shoulder]

Jk: cute~

[Bhumi pov: I was scrolling through my phone. It's been 2 Hours, so I asked rm...]

Bhumi: When will we reach rm?

Rm: we will reach after 3 hours as there is a little traffic here.

Bhumi: okay...I am getting bored now...(whisper) let's talk with di to get rid of my boredom.

[Bhumi pov: I turned my head sideways and saw a beautiful yet cute scene in front of my eyes. My di was sleeping by putting her head on jiju's shoulder. On the other hand, he was sleeping by putting hus head di's head.]

Bhumi: Aww~~so cute.

Rm: what happened bhumi? What's cute?

Bhumi: look behind.

Rm looked behind towards bhumi and she signaled him to see sideways so he looked at yn and jk and saw them cutely sleeping cuddling each other.

Rm: (smile) how sweet! So adorable.

Bhumi: they are looking so cute. I think I should capture this moment. (She then clicked their picture)

They all reached their destination. Rm woke up jungkook and yn. For teasing them bhumi send their sleeping pick to both of them. Both of them awkwardly smiled looking at each other.

Rm: Guys let's go.

Jk: Yes.

They all went inside the hotel. Yn and bhumi were sitting and scrolling their phones and rm and jk went to take the room card.

Rm: yn, bhumi we got only two rooms.

Yn: huhh why only 2 we booked 3 na?

Jk: Actually yn we got late that's why one room is been taken by someone. So only two are left.

Rm: Yes but we can share the rooms right.

Bhumi: okayy so both of you brothers will share one room and we both sisters will share another room.

Yn: okay it's fine for me.

Rm/jk: its fine for us too.

Bhumi: perfect then let's go to our rooms.


They went to their rooms and unpacked their luggage. They got refreshed, changed their clothes and again met after 1 hour.

Yn: so guys where should we go first?

Jungkook: it's our first day here and also it's noon, so I think we should roam around in the nearby places.

Rm: But jungkook what about the project ?

Jk: hyung we still have many days and we will complete our project timely. So I think we should just enjoy today. What u say yn?

Yn: well it's a good plan. We must start our project work from a fresh day with fresh mind. So let's just have fun today.

(Rm knew that they both are little childish so he sighed and face palmed himself as he has no other option left rather than going with the three of them.)

They first went to roam around the place then they went to a mall as jungkook told them that this mall is very famous there. Rm and jungkook bought clothes for themselves and their shopping completed in half hour. Whereas yn and bhumi are still shopping and jk and rm are walking behind them carrying their bags.

Jk: hyung I am regretting my decision of taking them here.

Rm: (laughing) didn't I told u already. Now I am also suffering because of you.

[After 2 hours of shopping they went back to their hotel then ate their dinner and slept. After that 5 days passed away and they all completed their project work very nicely. In these days yn and jungkook became more close to each other and rm also told jungkook about his feelings for bhumi.]

Yn: Guys I think we should go for camping as today is our last day here and also our project is done. So what say?

Bhumi: very nice idea.

Jk/rm: we are okay with it.

They went for camping in a beautiful place near waterfalls. They made their tent but yn asked out of blue...

Yn: why only 3 tents?

Bhumi: Actually di by mistake I forgot my tent in the hotel room only.

Rm: it's okay bhumi...yn and jk will share one tent.

Jk/yn: (widened eyes) WHATTT

Rm: whats with that reaction huh. You both are married and will sleep together. Now go and do your work.

[Yn and jungkook awkwardly look e/o and went from their. Meanwhile rm and bhumi Gave high five to each other.]

Bhumi: we did a great job. (Smile)

Rm: I know.(smile)

At night after eating their dinner rm and bhumi went to their respective tents and slept whereas yn was sitting outside and after sometime jk approached her and sat beside her.

Jk: what happened?

Yn: nothing just looking at the beauty of beautiful it is.

Jk: (admiring her) not more than you.

Yn: (shocked and blushed) h..huh..

Jk: (chuckled) you are a red tomato now.

Yn: let's go and sleep. (She stood up and ran inside the tent)

Jk: cute~ (He also went inside the tent)

Yn: look we will sleep on the corners and I am placing the pillows in between.  Is it okay?

Jk: (chuckled) yeah...good night.

Yn: good night.


Yn: (in sleepy tone) why this pillow has abs? They are hard too. (She opened her eyes and got shocked to see jungkook looking at her while smiling. Her cheeks turned red because of embarrassment of what she told now.)

Yn: Hey what are you doing on my side of the bed You pervert.... and stop staring at me like this.

Jk: (smirked) like what Mrs. Jeon...and I am a pervert huh (raised his eyebrows and leans towards get face)

Yn: w..what are d..doing?

Jungkook: Mrs. Jeon yn see the other side of the bed you're the one who is sleeping on my side that too hugging me like a koala and touching my abs and then calling me pervert....

[Yn looked at her side and saw that the pillow was put on her side of bed. She mentally slapped herself and turns to jungkook]

Yn: I am sorry I didn't do it intensionally.  Gosh this is so embarrassing (she mumbled enough for jungkook to hear)

Then she ran out of the tent and jungkook chuckled looking at her disappearing figure and mumbled cute. Then after sometime he also went outside.

Rm: did you guys slept well? (Teasing)

Bhumi: How can they not sleep well, they were literally hugging each other like there is no tomorrow. (Teasing)

[Rm and bhumi burst into laughter and jk and tn blushed]

Yn: aren't you becoming too naughty day by day. Do u want me to tell rm about your feelings (whispered to bhumi while smirking)

Bhumi: (shocked) haww...di How can you blackmail me like this. I am your little sister na.

Yn: Yeah yeah drama queen.

Rm: okay everyone go and get ready we will leave today.

Everyone except rm: okay.

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