A Little Romance

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Yn/m: dinner is ready. Come everyone.

Everyone: okay.

After dinner everyone went to their rooms to sleep early so that they can prepare for sangeet ceremony. Yn came yo her room and directly went to take shower.


Jk: (in mind: i am already missing her. What should i do? Ohh god...i want to see her.)

Jk/m: what happened jungkook? What are u thinking?

Jk: nothing mom. It's just I am so tired, so I am going to sleep. Good night everyone.

Everyone: good night.

[Jk went to his room and locked the door. Then he came down from his window and climbed to yn's room. He entered her room, but her room was empty.]

Jk: where is she? (Then he heard the water sound from bathroom) she might be showering. Ok...let's wait for her. (He sat on the bed and started using her phone.)

After sometime yn came out of the bathroom only in towel and went straight towards her dressing table without caring about the surrounding. She then started applying lotion on her hands without knowing that a pair of eyes are watching her every move being shocked.

Jk's pov: I was using the phone but suddenly the bathroom door opened revealing yn but only in TOWELLL!!! What the hell!!! She didn't even noticed me and went to her dressing table. Seeing her like this my phone fell from my hands. She is looking so hot right now. Then I slowly went to her and backhugged her. She flinched and was about to scream but I put my hands on her mouth.

Jk: shh...baby it's me.

Yn: (widened eyes) kook what are you doing here??

Jk: you know what I came here to surprise you but I myself got surprised. You are looking beautiful and hot baby. (He whispered in her ears)

[Yn was a blushing mess. Her face was all red in embarrassment and shyness.]

Yn: let me go. I want to change.

She was about to run but jungkook pulled her by her wrist and pinned her to the nearest wall.

Jk: I am your soon to be husband baby, you can change in front of me. (Smirks)

Yn: (widened eyes) haww...are u a pervert or what. Don't u have shame.

Jk: naa...I sold my shame a long time ago and ate chocolate with the money.

Yn: (laughing) seriously kook...

Yn was laughing but jungkook was just admiring his lady with a wide smile on his face. Both of them are now staring at each other. Jungkook came closer to her...

Jungkook: I love you so much my lady..

Yn: I love you too kook.

With that jungkook attached his lips with yn's lips. Both of them closed their eyes. Yn also melted in the kiss and gave in. She put her hands around his neck and he put his hands around her waist and pulled her more closer. After a good 5 mins kiss they both parted away and attached their foreheads.

Jk: you are making me go insane Mrs. Jeon.

[Yn became shy and put her palms on her face and hid her face in his well build chest. Jk chuckled on her cuteness and hugged her back completely covering her small body with his big body.]

Jk: is my baby shy? (She nodded) okay don't be shy Mrs. Jeon and wear your clothes or else you will catch cold. Okayy.

Yn: okay Mr. Jeon. (Smiles)

Jk: I am going now or else if my mom come to know that I came here again then she will beat me this time. Bye good night sweetheart and have sweet dreams about me.

Yn: (smiles) Bye good night and please go safely.

Jk: don't worry. (He pecks her lips and left)


Everyone was talking to each other after having breakfast. Just then jiya, bhumi, jisoo, Jennie, Rose and lisa entered the house and everyone diverted their eyes to them.

Girls: good morning everyone.

Boys: good morning. (Smiles)

Mr. Jeon: good morning children. What are u all doing here this early?

Jiya: Actually uncle we are going to mall so we came here to ask the boys whether they wants to come or not.

Boys except jk: we will come. (Shout)

Mrs. Jeon: woah...that was quick. Jungkook are u not going?

Jk: No mom I don't feel like going.

Bhumi: jiju di is also coming. It's just she got an urgent call so she is attending the call outside.

Jk: (face brighten) is that so? Okay than I am also coming.

[Everyone laughs at his behavior.]

Jhope: u all sit we will come quickly after changing.

Girls: okay. (Boys except jk went to change)

Jk: I am already ready so I am going out.

Jungkook went out and saw yn talking on the phone. He backhugged her and put his chin on her shoulders.

Yn's pov: I was talking to my secretary when suddenly someone backhugged me. And I already knew who he was from the smell of his perfume. I was still talking without giving him attention but then he started kissing my neck making me hard to suppress my moans.

Yn: I w..will call y...you later. (Hangs up) what are u doing kook?

Jk: loving my wife. Any problem. (Teases her)

Yn: you are so bad kook.

Jk: How can you say that, I didn't even started yet baby..(said in a flirty tone)

Yn: pervert~you started flirting in the morning only.

[Jk laughed at her reactions and then everyone comes out.]

Rm: let's go guys.

Jk: Yes let's go.

They all went to mall for some random shopping. All the girls were busy in their shopping while the boys were just roaming around enjoying the beauty of Indian clothes. Meanwhile a beautiful thing caught jk's attention and a smile crept on his face. He immediately bought it without anyone knowing. After hours of shopping and enjoying, they all had their lunch and went to home to prepare for the sangeet night.

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