Drama In Reception Party

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Yn woke up and saw herself in her hubby's arms. She blushed remembering  last night. She kissed his forehead and went to take shower. She wore a beautiful saree and went downstairs.

Yn: good morning mom dad. Good morning oppas.

Jk/m and jk/d: good morning beta.

Bts except jk: good morning yniee.

Yn: Mom let me help you in the kitchen.

Mrs. Jeon: okay dear.

In kitchen, yn was cutting fruits for for everyone and mrs. Jeon was making fresh juice for all.

Mrs. Jeon: yn dear where is jungkook?

Yn: Mom he is still sleeping.

Mrs. Jeon: (chuckles) that brat...yn I have made the juice. You cut the fruits till then I am sitting outside with your dad.

Yn: okay mom, no problem. (She left)

Yn was peacefully cutting fruits but someone backhugged her suddenly. She didn't get surprised as she know who the person was.

Yn: good morning kook.

Jk: good morning baby. Is it paining?

Yn: Hmm a little. (Pouts)

Jungkook gently rubs her abdomen to soothe the pain.

Jk: I am sorry love. (Pouts)

Yn: it's okay love. U are so cute.

[Then all of them sat on dining table and did their breakfast.]

Mr. Jeon: okay so listen to me kids. We have arranged yn and jk's reception party tomorrow in Korea. All the other CEO'S as well as employees from both of our companies will attend the party. So we will leave for korea today only.

Everyone: okay.

Mrs. Jeon: yn, we both along with Mr. And mrs. Chauhan will leave early as we have to arrange a hall and give invitation to others too. So is it okay na?

Yn: don't worry mom it's totally fine.

[After breakfast, the jeons and chauhans left for korea in their private jet and here all of them are packing their stuff. Yn and jk were almost done with packing but then jk's eyes caught the ring in yn's fingers.]

Jk: baby...(pulls her closer by her waist)

Yn: Hmm...(wraps her hand around his neck)

Jk: you didn't told me about that ring in you finger.

Yn: Hmm...okay I will tell you. Come here and sit. (They sat on the bed) so this is my virginity ring.

Jk: (confused) huh??

Yn: this will sound a little childish but when I was young I wore this ring. I told myself that I will give this ring to the person who will love me unconditionally. Whom I will believe and trust blindly, to whom I will give my virginity happily, and I don't need to say that the person I you.

Jk: (hugs her) thank u so much for coming in my life. (He broke the hug and slowly remove the ring from her fingers and put it inside his pocket) from now this is mine.

Yn: (chuckles) okay my bunny.

In evening, all the girls came to jeon's house and they left for airport together. After 7 to 8 hours they reached korea. Jin, jimin, jhope, Tae, suga, Jennie, jisoo, lisa, rose and jiya went to their own house (jiya already bought a house in korea) whereas jk, yn, rm and bhumi went to their mansion. The 4 of them entered the house but it was empty. They frowned and jk called his mom.

Arranged for Love || J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now