India and maybe marriage...

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Finally the Chauhan's and jeon's landed safely in India and went to their respective hotels to refresh themselves before both of their meeting. In India it is currently 11 am.

Yn: Hey mom. How r u?

Mom: hello sweetie. We both are fine and how about u two?

Yn: we are fine too mom. We just came from university.

Mom: this early...

Yn: Mom did u forgot that it's 2:30 in Korea.

Mom: ohh sorry....I totally forgot about it.

Yn: it's OK mom.

Mom: ok dear...we have to get ready for the meeting. Bye. And don't forget to eat.

Yn: okay mom bye.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeon sat on dining table waiting for the other CEO to come. After 5 min, Chauhan's also enter the restaurant for the meeting.

Mr. Jeon: Honey look...(to mrs. Jeon)

Mrs. Jeon: what??

Mr. Jeon: (pointed somewhere) look there...isn't he Chauhan? My college best friend.

Mrs jeon: (looks towards he pointed) ohh yes you are right and look my bestie or we can say Mrs. Chauhan is also there.

Mr. Jeon: omg honey. I can't believe it. I am so happy to see them after very long time.

Mrs. Jeon: me too honey. Let's Call them.
[Mr. Jeon was so excited to meet his best friend that he called him so loudly that everyone in the restaurant got startled.]

I came to restaurant with my wife and was looking for an empty seat meanwhile someone called my name so loudly that I got startled and turned around to look at that person. As I turned around and looked at the person, My eyes got sparkled with joy. I saw my best friend Jeon. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

Mr. Jeon: How r u buddy? Long time no see...I missed u yaar.

Mr. Chauhan: I am alright buddy. How r u doing?

Mr. Jeon: I am just chilling around, just like old days. Till now I was chilling alone but now I got u. Now we all will have fun together.

Mr. Chauhan: Yeah yeah sure why not.

Mrs. Jeon: OMG Mrs. Chauhan u are so beautiful.

Mrs. Chauhan: aish...will u stop calling me formally. We are besties yaar, remember or not??

Mrs. Jeon: can I forget that. And u remember we four used bunk college together to watch movies and to roam around different places.

Mr. Jeon and Chauhan: Yes yes how can we forget that. We four were the BFF of all time.

Mrs. Chauhan: yeahhh right.
Then the 4 of them sat on table and started talking.

Mr. Chauhan: Hey jeon! How many kids do u have?

Mr. Jeon: I have one son. His name is Jungkook. And what about you?

Mr. Chauhan: ohh good. We have one daughter. Her name is yn. She is so sweet.

Mr. Jeon: Hmm...BTW daughter's are always sweet.

Mr. Chauhan: Yes indeed.

Mr. Jeon: BTW what are u guys doing here?

Mr. Chauhan: Actually we are here for a meeting.

Mr. Jeon: wow really, what a coincidence. We are here for a meeting too. My meeting is with the top CEO of korea.

Mr. Chauhan: same here.

Arranged for Love || J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now