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Jungkook told his secretary to provide him the cctv footage of their graduation party. After sometime his secretary came and gave him the footage. Jungkook quickly opened the footage in his laptop and after watching it his blood boiled in anger.

Jk: That means that bastard Felix was just pretending to be a good person. I won't spare him. How dare he touch my yn. And that selin also I will teach them a proper lesson. (anger)

Then he called the cops and told them everything and when they searched about them the police got to know that the drug selin used was illegally smuggled in her father's company and also Felix's father was also involved in all this drug dealing. They arrested Felix and selin along with their father's and their company got bankrupt.


Today was Sunday and yn was sitting in the living room and watching a kdrama. She was so lost in the television that she didn't notice that jk came and sat beside her.

Jk: yn..

Yn: (flinched) w..what??

Jk: I want to say something.

Yn: I don't want to listen..(she got up and started working towards kitchen but stopped when jk said...)

Jk: I am sorry yn.

Yn stopped and turned around and stared at him.

Jk: yn I am really sorry for my behavior that night. I was not conscious about my surroundings. That day, in the party, selin and Felix planned something and mixed drugs in my drink because of which my behavior became aggressive and harsh towards you. I know i am very wrong but please forgive me yn.(teary eyes)

[Saying this he show the footage to yn, and after Watching the footage yn didn't waste any second and ran towards Jungkook and hugged him and jk also hugged her back.]

Yn: (crying) you know I was so scared of you that day.

Jk: (teary eyes) I am sorry yn. I am a very bad husband.

Yn: don't say that jungkook. I forgave you.

Jk: thank you so much yn. (he kissed her forehead)

[They broke the hug and started at each other deeply. They were losy in each other. Then jungkook leaned towards her to kiss her and yn also closed her eyes but suddenly..]

??: Surpriseeeee.......

[Yn and jungkook both flinched]

Yn/Jk: mom-dad!!!

(Because of embarrassment yn pushed jungkook as they were standing very close to each other, and he fell on the ground)

Jk: (caressing his back) ouch...

Yn: oo god...kook are u okay? (She went towards him and helped him to stand up) I am so sorry kook.

Jk: it's okay yn.

Mrs. Jeon: Honey I guess we came at rhe wrong time. (Told to Mr. Jeon)

Mr. Jeon: (chuckled)

Yn:'s not like what you think...its just...

Jungkook: what it's just yn...(he asked with innocent face to tease her)

Now yn was a red tomato because of embarrassment. She hide her face with her palms and the three of them chuckled seeing her cute reaction.

Mrs. Jeon: okay okay enough of teasing My daughter. How are you dear? (hugged yn)

Yn: I am fine mom. How about you?

Mrs. Jeon: we are absolutely fine.

Jungkook: mom-dad since you both are here you have to stay with us for longer time.

Yn: Yes mom dad please.

Dad: ofcourse dear this time we will stay longer.

Yn: Yes.. thanks dad.

[Now maids were serving the food and yn and mrs. Jeon were talking meanwhile jungkook was continuously staring at yn]

Jk's pov: she is so beautiful, cute and sweet. I fell for her really hard. I will confess to her today only. (He was smiling thinking about yn)

Mr. Jeon: my dear son, I know she is very beautiful but first eat your food and then you can stare her. Okay.

Jk: (shy) aishh dad....okay.

Mrs. Jeon: (chuckled seeing her son shy)

[All of them had their food and went to their rooms]

Yn: Hello bhumi how are you?

Bhumi: I am fine di. How are you and jiju?

Yn: we are good. When are you coming back? I am missing u.

Bhumi: I will be back soon. Don't worry.

Yn: Hmm.

Bhumi: and how is your work going?

Yn: it's good. Not that stressful.

Bhumi: okay that's good. And dii both of u have to treat me as I was unable to attend you graduation party.

Yn: Yeah yeah sure why not. Okay I will hand up now. Bye and enjoy.

Bhumi: okayy bye.

Jk: (entered the room) yn be ready at 7 pm, we are going somewhere.

Yn: (frowned) huh...where?

Jk: u will know after reaching there.

Yn: is it a business meeting or something??

Jk: ohh no no it's not related to any business. It's just....aishh don't ask me questions just be ready on time.

[AT 7 PM]
(jungkook entered in their bedroom)

Jk: yn you ready?

Yn: Yes how amm I looking?

Jk: (smiled) beautiful as always. And how about me?

Yn: (admiring him) handsome as always.

Jk: (chuckled) thanks now let's go.

Yn: heyy wait! Where are mom and dad?

Jk: ohh...they went to your parents house and they will come tomorrow alongwith them.

Yn: let's go.

Jk: Hmm...(they sat in car and drove off)

[After 20 min, they reached their destination.]

Jk: yn take this and blindfold yourself.

Yn: why? Why this blindfold?

Jk: yn trust me. Just do as I say.

Yn: okay fine. (She blindfold herself)

[Jk then took her towards his surprise.]

Jk: yn now you can open your blindfold.

[opening her blindfold, yn blinked multiple times to adjust her eyes but was surprised after seeing the view in front of her. They were in a park. The park was beautifully decorated with lights, candles and roses. She was mesmerized by the beautiful view. Then she turned around only to see jungkook kneeled down in front of her with a bouquet of flowers]

Jk: yn you know earlier I never believed in love. Our marriage was arranged marriage but I myself didn't knew that why I cared for u this much. I didn't knew why I wanted you with me all time. I didn't realise my feelings for you but when you ignored me then I realise that I fell for you, that I missed u soo much. "I LOVE YOU YN"

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