A Mysterious Stalker

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Man: sir we have a news about her.

?: speak

Man: sir she is grouped with the same boy with whom she went somewhere in the car 1 week ago. They are deciding places to visit for the project.

?: ohh so now she got the guts to hang out with the other boys.

Man: sir should we spy her during the holidays?

?: No let her enjoy her time after all I got to know everything now. I will deal with her after 1 week (smirk) yn....yn....you will regret it.


yn and jungkook were helping the maids in arranging the table. Then they called rm and bhumi for the dinner. They all start discussing about the project while eating.

Jk: did you guys thought of a good place? Because I didn't know any.

Rm: (awkward smile) hehe...same here jk. I was also unable to think of any place except library.

Yn and bhumi look at them with done face.

Yn: well, I selected a place to visit.

Bhumi: I also selected one.

Jk: okay then tell us.

Bhumi: ok so I selected a peaceful place for camping near the waterfall in the forest. We can make our project related to nature and can enjoy also.

Jk: Hmm that's an amazing idea sis. How about u yn?

Yn: bhumi u know what...I also thought the same as you.

Rm: Daebak, I see u both are sisters for a reason...

Yn/bhumi: (Gave high five to each other) Yes ofcourse.

Rm: okay so this place is finalised. Okay.

Jk: okay done.

After dinner, they all went to their rooms and slept.

The next day at university everyone was sitting and waiting for the teacher to come. Yn and jungkook were simply talking to about the trip, until selin approached jungkook. She glared yn and yn without hesitation glared her back. Selin came and sat next to Jungkook.

Selin: Hey dear Jungkook.

Jungkook: selin what do u want?

Selin: (holds jk's arms) since we both like each other then why don't we become a group. Just the two of us.

(Yn's pov : When selin holds jungkook arms and when she told that they both like e/o I don't know why I felt sad.)

Jk: (angry) what the hell selin. When did I said that I like u huh? I will never ever like a girl like u. Understand? (Removes her hand)

Selin: if u don't like me then how did you know my name? I remember I didn't tell u that.

Jk: (scoffed) miss you are very famous among the boys. You are such a playgirl. Every boy in the university know about your character. Now please leave and let us discuss.

Selin: (angrily shouted) then why u grouped with this bitch. (points at yn) I bet she must have done something to u.

(She approached yn and was about to slap her her jk held her hand)

Jk: ENOUGH....WHO ARE U TO TALK TO HER LIKE THIS...(He roared) she is my friend and I won't let anyone to talk shit about her. I am already grouped with her so you better not bother us...let's go yn.

Arranged for Love || J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now