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Now it was the time to swap their partners. Everyone's partners swapped.

New Partners:

Yn felt a little uncomfortable with Felix as he was grabbing her waist tightly and staring her deeply. Suddenly he pulled her closer to him.

Yn: Felix w...what are you doing?

Felix: you are looking so hot yn.(smirk)

He pulled her more close to him while she was struggling with his grip.

Selin: jungkook you are looking handsome.

Jungkook: Hmm...(his head was spinning and he was feeling uneasy because of the drug.)

Selin: jungkook I love you really.

Jungkook: (angry) look don't make me angry or it will not be good for you. I already have someone.

Selin: (chuckled) who...yn?? But I don't think soo that she likes you or something...

[Because of the drug, jungkook was becoming angry.]

Jk: WHAT DO YOU MEAN? (glared her)

Selin: look there...(she pointed towards you and felix) how close they are. Seems like there is something going on between them.

[That's it jungkook saw u and Felix together. He was not in his senses. Now he was fuming in anger and jealousy. He pushed selin and approached you.]

Jk: (in anger, he hold your hands tightly) yn let's go.

Yn: (struggling with his tight grip) where??

Jk: don't question me (angry tone) hyung we are going?

Jin: okay drive safely.

[Jk dragged yn from the party and seeing them selin and Felix smirked.]

Jungkook reached their mansion and dragged her outside the car. Jungkook's grip on her hands was so tight that her tears started flowing.

Yn: jungkook what are you doing? Leave my hand it's paining.

Jk: just SHUT UP and come with me. (The effect of drug can be seen in Jungkook's behavior.)

They both entered the mansion. The maids bowed them but jungkook ignored them and dragged her towards their bedroom. He was not in his senses Because of high dosage of drugs he has totally lost his consciousness. He didn't know what he was doing. They both came to their room and jk locked the door.

Yn: jungkook what are u doing?

Jk: what am I doing....WHAT ARE YOU DOING JEON YN?? (shouted)

Yn: w..what I did? (She was scared as this is the first time jungkook shouted at her.)

Jk: ohh cut the crap yn. Why were you so close to Felix? What were you doing with him? (again shouted)

Yn: What!! Are you out of your mind? I was not doing anything with him.

Jungkook didn't let her speak further and forcefully kissed her. Yn was shocked and scared Because of his behavior. She tried to push him but his grip was so strong. After struggling for sometime she pushed him very hard.

Jk: ohh...so can allow other men to come closer to u but not allowing your husband to kiss you...hmm.

[Yn was taken aback by his words. Her tears were flowing continuously. She indeed started liking him but she was scared of us behavior. Yn was about to speak but jungkook again kissed her and pushed her on the bed and hovered over her without breaking the kiss.]

Arranged for Love || J.Jk ffWhere stories live. Discover now