aina-ophelia osanai
7:01amwe watched the weekend disappear right before our eyes, letting monday hit harder as a wrecking ball at full speed....i wish there was a way to freeze time, 2 days of relaxation just isn't enough, i needed to stay like this forever....
my fingers tangled themselves in solace's soft coarse hair as i rested my head on top of his.
a sigh escaped my lips as beads of water rolled off our skin, landing in my tub full of diminished strawberry bubbles. i inhaled the distinctive smell of solace's cigarettes while he laid in between my legs, the smoke smelt sweet and woodsy but tasted like cherries. i've grown to like it....a lot, i loved it actually. it gives me a comfortable feel, reminds me of nothing but him.
saccharine stone cigarettes, solace's lovely smell....
"we have a show tonight, it's at a small venue." he lowly voiced, his fingers brushing lightly across my wet leg. "dixon booked the last opening for us, i don't even know if that much people would come due to it being last minute...."
"that's okay, the size of the crowd doesn't matter. it's a great start and whoever comes will have the best time of their life because your music is amazing, they're missing out if they don't show up." i softly reassured him, hugging his head.
being an underground artist can be tough, it's hard to be heard and it's easy to get discouraged. not having anyone there to believe in you can lead a person into giving up on their dream so i need to make sure i'm there for him every step of the way.
water splashed gently on my bathroom floors as solace moved aside allowing us to switch positions. he securely held me in his wet arms as his cigarette hung from his lips.
lightly smirking...
"you're so right, that's why i had dixon arrange tickets for my #1 fan to come. i can't have her miss my show...." smiling goofily, i looked up at him resting my head on his chest. i didn't have to think hard to know who he was talking about. ever since cj's house party, i fell in love with solace's performance so seeing him in an actual venue would be monumental. "i got tickets for your friend so you can bring her also."
"really ? you're the best." i happily gasped. the water created small waves as i straddled him in hug. cupping his face, i took the cigarette from his lips and placed it on my bathroom's windowsill before kissing him, letting that sweet cherry taste settle on my tongue. "you're gonna have an amazing show tonight."
suddenly, 3 knocks echoed throughout my apartment causing me to jump lightly. confusion etched our faces as we both looked at each other.
not again....
this time, i felt....scared.
i didn't know who could be at my door, especially this early in the day....maybe it could actually be sage this time ?
"who's at the door ?" solace questioned, concern leaking his voice.
"i-i don't sister maybe ?" i answered, watching him climb out the tub. drying off with a pink towel, he swiftly threw his jeans on and grabbed my pink robe to helped me out the tub.
"you don't seem so sure, stay in the room and i'll go check."
i coddled mi-na against my chest as i leaned against my doorframe, watching solace walk down the hall, leaving my view. i wanted to follow him but i didn't want to upset him, i was also scared and felt safe that he was here with me. why would i take advantage of this situation ?

ChickLitby the catacombs, you and i it's do or die we won't ever break, that's all i know - i will sacrifice my love in the moonlight - love's gonna get you killed and pride will be the death of you and you an...