chapter 5

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Daniels pov:

It was the next day and daniel was back at school, doing his boring daily teen routine of getting up early and going to school.

Daniel was walking towards gym class as that was his first lesson. He didn't mind gym class that much even though it seemed to Johnny and his friends that was the perfect place to bully daniel. Like when they played any game with a heavy ball they would try kick it hard at him aiming for either the back of his legs or his face, laughing loudly to eachother when it did but apart from that daniel didn't mind gym. It meant he could get his energy out and some of the games he didn't mind playing and found them quiet fun.

Daniel had managed to push Mr miyagi's words to the back of his head as he just chose to believe Mr miyagi had no idea what he was on about even though Daniel knew somehow Mr miyagi always seemed to be right. His words just made no sense to Daniel though so he believed it was best to ignore them.

He walked into the gym, his heavy backpack on his back, stuffed full with his gym clothes and pair of scruffed up black shoes. He walked into the boys changing room and began changing. A few other boys where in there but Daniel didn't really talk to any of them, he gave a small smile and nod to one of the boys he sorta knew, Freddy, but they didn't really talk properly since Freddy's friends told him not too.

Daniel changed rather quickly as he pulled on his scruffy black trainers, struggling a bit as he pulled his feet through. He gave his shoes a kick against the bench for good measure, noticing nearly everyone had left, leaving him and another quiet boy he had never taken to before in the changing room.

Daniel quickly grabbed his water bottle ready to leave the changing room, getting to the door before a figure stepped in front of him blocking the entrance and exit to the door.

"Daniel-sannn" a familiar voice mocked in a high pitched voice, it wasnt coming from the figure blocking the door but from two boys behind the figure. The voice belonging to Bobby.

Daniel looked up, his eyes widening a little, knowing the only person that called him 'daniel-san' was Mr miyagi. His eyes then narrowed as he looked up at the figure already knowing now who he was, even though his face was hidden by the shadow of the room. Johnny.

Of course it was him, of course he had told them about yesterday he thought, his hand tightening protectivly around his water bottle as if it could get him out of what he knew was coming.

"Where are you going?" Johnny said taking a step forward into the changing room. The kid here with Daniel before now scurrying past Johnny, being pushed down the gym hall by Bobby and tommy. Daniel took a step back, now fully back in the changing room as he could now fully see Johnny.

He looked nearly the same as he always did with his blonde sandy hair, his darkish eyes that Daniel could never really tell if they where blue or brown and his tall lean figure but as daniels eyes trailed down johnny his eyes focused on johnnys fists. They where now into fists by his sides, his knuckles red and raw looking.

At the appearance of his knuckles, daniels eyes whent straight back to johnnys face but Daniel couldn't see anything that looked different in johnnys face.

He had that same look he always had, the angry face, his eyes narrowed on Daniel, his lips pulling at what looked like a somewhat smile.

"Are you okay?.." Daniel said suddenly pulling himself away from his thoughts as he focuses on johnny again ignoring the two boys in the back. Although Daniel had thought he seemed quite sympathetic and actually meant the question. Tommy and Bobby 'oooo'd' loudly behind johnny. Tommy patting him on the shoulder like Daniel had just challenged him to something.

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