chapter 8

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Daniels pov:

Daniel gave a what he hoped was a convincing smile as he kept his hands in his pocket, his one hand holding the paper in his hands. Not wanting it to somehow dissapear or fall out.

Ali gave a soft smile back at daniel.

"Oh okay then.. If you say so" she said a bit of suspension in her voice before he felt her gaze go onto his plaster covering up his cut. Ali looked at his plaster back into his eyes, her gaze worried.

"Daniel,.. What happened?!" She asked her hand going up to the plaster as she smoothed the side that was peeling up down making daniel wince and lean his head out the way a little.

"I just.. Fell over.. And banged my head, it's noting don't worry about it" he said quickly making up a excuse. Daniel didn't want to tell Ali what had happened, he knew it would make where more upset and mad. After all she used to date Johnny and now hated him even more then when she and him first broke up.

She stared at him, unconvinced before sighing and looking away from daniels eyes.

"Daniel.. If something happened you would tell me right?.." She asked before looking back at him.

"I'm your friend after all." She gave him a comforting smile at that but daniel didn't feel comforted at all. He wanted to tell her, he did. But he knew it was best if he didn't.

"Im fine" daniel said again bluntly as he pulled the hand that wasnt holding the price of paper out of his pocket and rubbed his head in a awkward way.

"I'm.. Just.. Working something out" he said again slowly. He didn't want to lie to Ali but he didn't want to tell her, then for her to go over to Johnny all angry and have to stand up to Johnny for daniel and after the note daniel had received from him he didn't want to go and ruin things now.

Maybe Johnny was sorry and they could start over. Be friends. Then both there problems would be gone.

Ali gave him a small smile back but her eyes still looked sad. "Okay.. Well if you need to talk, you always have me" she said as daniel gave her a soft smile back.

"Hey Ali! Come on let's go!" One of her friends called and Ali gave daniel a apoligetic smile.

"Sorry I got to go.. But try not to fall next time" Ali said giving him a smile and a wave as she said the last bit in a teasing tone before half walking half jogging up to her friends.

Daniel smiled back, giving her a wave before walking off himself. He decided to go somewhere more private to read the note again, not really wanting to bump into any one.

He walked into the boys toilets an luckily for him it was pretty empty. He whent into a empty stall and locked the door behind him. The noise of the door shutting and locking echoing around the room making the noise much louder then it was.

Daniel unfolded the letter again and read it through again, his mouth quietly mumbling the words to himself. A small smile on his face as he read the words.

Johnnys pov:

Johnny's stomach had been lurching and twisting all day since he had left the note in daniels locker. He hasn't told anyone about and had been worrying all day if someone saw and what daniel wild now think of him.

He took a deep breath in and out trying hard to get rid of the wierd feeling. He had never experienced anything like this and he did not like it. It made him feel sick. It made him feel weak.

Johnny hadnt even seen or heard from any of his gang of friends today and he didn't know weither that was a good thing or not. He walked into the boys bathroom, needed some place where he could try calm himself down.

Luckily for him it was practicly empty as only one stool was in use and it was relatively quiet expect from a few muffled mumbles from the occupied stall. Johnny guessed that must have been a nerd or something reading in there. He didn't really pay attention to the person in the stall though.

He walked up to the sinks, where there where a few small, dirty, unkept mirrors above the sinks. Johnny looked into one, his arms leaning on the sink as the mirrors where positioned at a small height so Johnny had to bend down a little to see his reflection. He stared at himself his hand rubbing his eyes. He thought his cheeks seemed a little whiter then normal but apart from that he looked... Normal.

He let out a sigh, his stomach still feeling as though it was spinning. He reached down and turned on the tap, the water spraying out from all different directions making Johnny groan and curse it.

"Godam stupid tap" he mumbled quickly turning the tap off as he shaked of his hands and looked down at his clothes making sure not water had sprayed on him.

Johnny heard the mumbling stop as he did this and paused for a moment before hearing the lock turn and a few shuffles from the stall. Johnny looked at the stall through the reflection on the mirror, he didn't want to look like a wierdo looking to see who was inside the stall but he couldn't help but be curious.

The door slowly swung open and Johnny's heart froze for a momment before beating faster as he saw who it was. Daniel larusso.

His tummy lurched again and he thought he might throw up with the anxiety of if Daniel had seen the letter and what he thought.

He turned around a little to really see Daniel. Daniels eyes looked almost as nervous as Johnny felt, his hands where in his pockets and his cheeks where slightly pink as if flustered.

They stared at eachother for a minute before Johnny turned around back to the sink breaking of the eye contact the two where holding. Johnny heard Daniel walk up to his side as he looked at Johnny's face through the mirror the two where now looking into. Daniels face close to Johnny's.

"Johnny... Thanks for the letter.." Daniel said slowly as the two properly turned to face eachother. There body language both as awkward as eachother.

".. Don't worry about it" Johnny said quietly not knowing how to speak to Daniel now.

"I just.. Didn't want to be that much of a jerk.. I mean.. I know I am one.. But not letting you fight back really isn't cool" Johnny said before he could stop himself and he could feel the red colour come back to his cheeks. Daniel's eyes widened slightly at that before smiling.

"Yeah it's not big deal though, if I could have fighted back you would be down straight away" Daniel joked and Johnny felt a smile creep on his face.

"Yeah you wish Danny Boy" Johnny joked back making Daniel smile more as the two laughed at eachother.

Johnny's stomach had now stopped lurching and he felt better then he ever had before. Johnny felt light and free like he didn't have to care about his image around Daniel. Because Daniel was perfect.

He cut the thought out of his head as he heard the main bathroom door go to creek open and the familiar sound of his three friends, dutch, Bobby and Jimmy.

Johnny heart dropped a bit before quickly grabbing Daniels arm, tight but also careful not to hurt him as he pulled the shorter boy into a stall and slammed the door locking it shut. The feeling felt weird to him and Daniel looked back at him eyes wide as Daniel was up against the side of the bathroom wall and johnny's body was close to his, there faves close.

Johnny breathed slightly heavier but he covered his mouth to slow it down, his heart was beating loud at how close they where and Johnny could feel his face was heated. He looked down at daniel. His eyes where widened slightly and his cheeks where redder then earlier as he stared into Johnny's eyes.

The sound of Johnny's friends laughing and chatting outside the stall, barely audiable to Johnny.

I can't be in love with daniel.

I'm not in love with him.

Maybe if he was a she.

Boys and boys... Are.. Weird..

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