chapter 11

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Johnnys pov:
After school:

After school, Johnny and Bobby both got on there motobikes and slipped there healments over there heads before driving off. Almost looking as though they where racing each other as they sped down the roads before making it to bobby's house.

Bobby's house was nearly as high as johnnys. It was a grey house with a large  driveway and a flowered walkway up to the house. They both slowed down as they parked there bikes in bobby's drive.

Bobby lead Johnny to his room although Johnny had been to bobby's house a lot as bobby's parents where always happy to see him. Often inviting Johnny to stay the night and often treating Bobby like he was 10 which made Johnny laugh and tease him for.

"Alright so what's on your mind johnny?" Bobby said sitting himself on his bed as Johnny flopped next to Bobby.

Johnny didn't reply for a while as he tapped his fingers against his leg trying to figure out what to say. He could feel bobby's eyes staring into the side of his head and turned his face round to look at him.

"I like... Someone" he finally said and Bobby smirked a little.

"Oooo who's the lucky girl" Bobby replied nudging johnnys side.

Johnnys heart sunk a little, knowing that it wasn't a girl he was talking about. He knew it wasn't bobby's fault for saying a girl. Normal boys liked girls. 

He let out a soft laugh behind a heavy breath.

"Well... H.. They.. Have dark brown hair and tan skin" Johnny whent on explaining. The image of Daniel making him have to keep licking his lips and swallowing hard as he spoke about him almost forgeting he couldn't go to in detail.

Bobby had a confused but happy look on his face as Johnny talked. Clearly trying to figure out who it was Johnny was on about.

"Oh and... I really want to just kiss them you know.. " he said more quietly this time. His hand going back to tapping on his thigh.

Bobby raised a eyebrow out him.

"Man you get all the chicks so just do it. I'm sure she wants you just as bad" Bobby whent on giving Johnny a pkayful wink.

Johnny took a deep breath again as he looked away from Bobby at his fingers which where still tapping on his thigh.

"Bobby?" He asked quietly. His heart thunping loud in his chest. He wanted to glue his mouth shut right now but it was as if he couldnt stop himself.

"Yeah..? " Bobby asked, quieting his own voice.

"What if it's not a chick I like... " Johnny said the words barely audible but they felt like there where being shoured back at him in his mind.

Bobby was quiet for a while and Johnny looked up nervously for bobby's reaction.

Johnny was ready for Bobby to shout at him, to kick him out his house, to tell everyone he knew about Johnny being a 'f*ggot'

Bobby's face was almost unreadable. As if he had been frozen in time but then suddenly he spoke.

".. Shit.." Bobby breathed out and Johnny swallowed hard again, his fist clenching into his palm hard.

Why did he have to say anything?
Why did he have to be a fucking pussy?
He was meant to like pussy not be one.
He should have just beaten up larusso until the feelings dissapeared.

Johnny wanted to dissapear.

Bobby seemed to quickly realise johnnys emotions and quickly put his arm over Johnny pulling him closer to him.

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