chapter 7

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The next day...

Johnnys pov:

Johnny knew he had to make it up to daniel. He wasn't sure why or how though. He had hated daniel larusso since he had first meet him, why?

It was complicated...

But some reason every time he tried to ignore what he had did to daniel the other day, he stayed awake all night, the image and the thought of daniel lying on the gym floor in pain filling his head. He looked over at the clock seeing the time. 4:00 in the morning, before grunting fustratedly and pushing his pillow over his face.

"Why can't I just forget about him" he mummbled annoyed with himself. He didn't understand or maybe he just didn't want to.

Johnny shifted in his bed. Kicking the covers off him before pulling them back on, trying anyway possible to feel comfortable but even with all his efforts nothing succeeded.

He let out a moan of complain into the air before quickly sitting himself up. Throwing the pillow off his face onto the floor with all his effort, which wasn't a lot as how tired he was. The pillow landed on the floor with a soft thud.

Johnny tapped his fingers against his knee trying to decide how to make it up to daniel. After a while he pulled on a string to his bedside table lamp that flickered on. Creating a soft glow of light in the dark room. A small moth flew into  the sudden light making Johnny watch it for a bit but he did nothing about it instead he grabbed a small notebook and a pen. He sat back on his bed, closer to the light as he rested the notebook on his lap, opening it to a blank lined page.

Johnny was going to try wright a letter, apoligsing for what he had done but there was one thing. Johnny had never apologised to someone before let alone wrote a apology down. He stared at the piece of paper, his mind racking for what to write.

He lowered the pen down to the paper as he began writing.

I'm sorry for what I did daniel

From johnny

He scribbled over it as soon as he wrote it staring down in disgust.

Sorry for being a jerk- Johnny

He crossed it out again. None of his words seemed... Right... And cool. He didn't want to sound like a baby. He knew he had to write that he was sorry or at least hint at it but nothing was working and there was no way Johnny was stopping of tomorrow to buy a magazine on how to apologize or ask his friends about it. At that he suddenly had a idea. Sometimes he did things his friends didn't like and somehow things still seemed good with them so he decided to wright like he would talk to his friends, like he meant it.

Hey man, I know it was unfair what I did and I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for doing what I did and being a jerk- Johnny.

Before Johnny could make any changes he quickly folded it up and put it ontop of his bedside table before flopping back onto his bed. As soon as he seemed to do so his eyes shut and he fell asleep. His note on the bedside table and his lamp softly glowing.

The morning:
Daniels pov:

Even though daniel had told his ma that he was alright now, his head wasn't hurting and his body wasn't aching, and begged his ma that she didn't need to drop him off. Daniels ma gave him a stern look.

"No daniel your not waking or riding to school, I'll drop you off"

"Please ma, you don't need to I'm fine, I promise" daniel pleaded but his ma had already picked up the keys to there run down car.

"I'm dropping you of daniel and thats it" she said sternly as she opened the door, holding it open for daniel to walk through. Daniel let out a soft sigh, he knew his ma was just trying to take care of him, to make sure he was okay but he knew how much trouble there car was. He knew how it always needed a push start and he knew that people were going to laugh and joke about it.

Daniel watched his ma get in the front and started up the car before giving Daniel the sign to push it. He quickly raced up behind the car and gave it a hard push as he walked with it to get it started. As soon as it began moving by itself Daniel would quickly sprint to the passenger door and jump it while it continued moving. Although the car was a struggle, somehow Daniel and his ma seemed to laugh about it.

As they got closer to the school Daniel's face crossed with a look of worry and a hit of embarrassment.

"Hey ma" he said looking at her. "Can you stop here, I can walk the rest of the way"

His ma sighed before pulling over and stopping the car. She turned to look at him a sad look in her eyes although she smiled. She gently rubbed his cheek with her hand making Daniel look at his ma closely, the comfort in her hand making him feel better.

"Your not embarrassed by me, are you?" She asked softly making Daniel pull away a little as he took her hand in his.

"No ma.." He said quickly with a small smile. "I have the best mum either, how can I be embarrassed?" He asked as he gave his mums hand a squeeze. She smiled instantly as she gave Daniels hand a squeeze back before pulling away from him.

"Okay kid..get to the school" she said with a laugh, giving Daniel a playful push. He laughed back as he pulled open the car door and stood out. E waited as his mum started the car again, knowing she would need help, he whent behind the car again and gave it a heavy push before it rolled down the road.

Daniel walked the rest of the way. He really wasn't lying when he said he felt fine today, his head still had a red graze on his forehead but it had been covered by a white padded plaster. Other then when he pressed on his forehead he didn't feel any pain at all.

He entered the school and walked over to his locker, ready to open it and out his bag inside. He paused then as he looked at his locker, a white folded paper half tucked in to the corner of the locker where it opens and closes.

He looked around him as if it would give him a clue to who ever had left it here and wether it was on purpose or accident. Daniel hadn't ever got anything like this before, he guessed it could have been either his only close friend, Ali, who although he didn't like her anymore like he used to when he first meet her and she didn't like him like that either. They where always there for each other. He also guessed it could have been one of his own notes that had fallen out of his book and got caught in the locker or maybe it was freddy, maybe he was still embarrassed about talking to Daniel since his friends saw Daniel get beat up that first time.

He pulled at it slowly as it slipped out the locker space. He flipped it over in his hands as if he was trying to recognise or somehow see what it was through the appearance and feel of it through the folded lined paper. He unfolded it slowly before seeing the unfamiliar writing.

Hey man, I know it was unfair what I did and I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for doing what I did and being a jerk- Johnny.

He read it slowly before seeing the name on the piece of paper. Daniel yes widened. Johnny Lawrence, his bully, the kid who hated him had wrote him... A apology note..

Daniel started at it for a minute, shocked, surprised and confused at the sudden apology letter when all the other times nothing like this had happened. He read through the words again before feeling a tap on his shoulder. He let out a gasp of air as he was cut from his thoughts and he quickly pulled the letter close to his chest as he spun around.

"Hey danny!" Ali said cheerfully as Daniel smiled back but a second too late as ali's face already dropped seeing his previous shock. She looked down at peice of paper he was holding.

"Are you okay?" She asked and Daniel started folded the paper up, shoving it into his pocket. As much as he trusted Ali he wanted to keep this too himself for now, he felt like he needed too.

He nodded "yeah.. I was just surprised thats all" he semi lied. He wasn't surprised at her presence but the letter from Johnny.

That surprised him alot

our hatred- daniel x johnnyWhere stories live. Discover now