chapter 21

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Daniels pov:

Daniel gave a small wave and a small smile to Johnny. On his face he looked slightly worried at the same time relieved.

Johnny gave him a look back before getting close enough and sitting himself back on his motobike. In front of Daniel, but this time, he sat on it the wrong way so he was facing Daniel with his back against the handle bars.

Daniel gave him a confused look before looking into his eyes and reading how he  seemed sort of upset yet okay. Daniel gave him a concerned look back not being able to help his thumping heart at how Johnny was looking at him.

Daniel was just about to say something until Johnny spoke.

"Danny.. Sorry about that.. " Johnny said awkwardly rubbing the back of his head before his hand dropped back to his side. Daniel gave him another concerned look.

"I just.. Had to speak to my sensei about.. Something.." Johnny took a heavy sigh. His eyes trailing off of Daniel before looking him back deeply in the eyes.

Daniel could feel Johnny become more vulnerable as he spoke. As if for once he was finally saying and telling Daniel the truth and just speaking normally about something. This something being something Johnny cared a lot about.

"He told me.. I was apparently getting weak...daniel.. I'm not weak am I?" Johnny said his voice sousning as though it was breaking a little as he tried to hold it together.

Daniel looked at him.Daniel's heart breaking at johnnys words. He put his hand onto johnnys, giving his hand a gentle speeze. His own touch making Daniel's face a light pink colour. He wanted to comfort Johnny. He didn't want Johnny to feel like that. He probably would have before. Before he knew what his feelings for Johnny really where. Love.

"Johnny.. Of course your not weak your the strongest person I know. Why would you be getting weak?" Daniel asked slightly confused. Johnny had never shown any weakness whatsoever that Daniel had seen.

Johnnys face seemed to pinken slightly at Daniel's touch. His lips tightned a little though as daniel spoke and he closed his eyes hard. Daniel thought he was about to shove Daniel's hand away but instead he held it tighter. Pulling there two hands onto johnnys thigh. Johnny opened his eyes. Which where now a bit red but there wasn't any tears In them or any sign of water.

"I tried to stop a fight.." Johnny mumbled slightly.

Daniel gave him a soft smile and gently rubbed his thumb against johnnys hand. Johnnys eyes slowly whent down to his hand which was holding Daniel's and gently being rubbed before looking back at Daniel's eyes, a soft look in his eyes.

"That doesn't make you weak Johnny.. You where just.. Doing the right thing" Daniel said with a small smile. Johnny sniffed a little before letting out another breath of air threw his nose.

"Why do they act like it's not then? You know Dutch and my sensei.. " Johnny said gently before answering his own question.

"Because there not cobra kai rules, Danny, there yours.. I mean what do you call your karate..?" He said. His words gentle still even if he had forgot Daniel's karate.

"Miyagi-do" Daniel answered. His hand still in johnnys.

Johnny nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah... And are karate is alot different" Johnny said with a small sigh. Daniel nodded to what Johnny said before giving his hand another light squeeze.

"Yeah but can't you just do the good thing and ignore them?" Daniel said. Johnny let out a small chuckle and put his other hand over Daniel's.

"You really think I have a chance going against my sensei? " Johnny said with a small laugh but he knew what Daniel meant. He just couldn't do that, well maybe when no one else is around.

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