chapter 1

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Johnnys pov:

Johnny had left his house early, not because he wanted to get to school on time but because his step dad had started to have a go at him.
"Yeah well, I'm leaving now old man" he had shouted at his step father, sid, as he was leaving after sid had done nothing but through insults at Johnny causing him not only to feel like crap but also making him more annoyed.

"Alright..and don't you forget it, go see your loser friends" sid had shouted back at him with a laugh making Johnny angrily slam the door before getting into his car.

The person he probably hated more then larusso had to be his step dad, sid who he had hated ever since his mum meet him and who sid had hated back. Johnny hated daniel for years and the other way around, they both hated eachother. He couldn't really explain his hate for daniel to anyone he just explained it to people as 'putting a loser in his place' ever since he saw daniel, the loser, hanging around his ex girlfriend. It wasn't that he was worried about daniel stealing her away from him nor was it jealousy of daniel. No, for all he knew he just hated the boy ever since he put his eyes onto him. Daniel just thought he was so cool and johnny (being actually cool) needed to show daniel where he belonged. Johnny took a deep breath his finger nails digging into the steering wheel.

Johnny drived up to there school, west Valley High School. Johnny was pretty much known by everyone here, holding his reputation high and not letting anyone ruin it as he drove up to the school in his avanti convertible.

He parked his car into a parking space. He had blacked out sunglasses on which he pulled up onto the top of his head as they rested on his sandy blonde hair. Johnny also had his red Jacket on, over a white tshirt and blue slightly faded tight jeans. He pulled open his car door and got out of it before shutting the door shut and locking it.

"Hey johnny!" Said one of his mates, Bobby who was stood next to two other of johnnys cobra kai friends.

Johnny gave Bobby a smile as he shoved his car keys into his side pocket of his jeans and made his way over to the group.

"Hey guys!" He replied happily as he gave the three of them there normal greeting, handshake.

The three of them walked into the school together, talking about what they where doing after school and what lessons they where going to skive. Neither of them caring about there education as there futures where just what ever happened, happened and johnny was sure his future was going to great and bad ass with ought school.

As the three of them walked down the corridor, johnnys pace slowed a little as he spotted him, the boy he hated, daniel larusso.

Johnnys eyes narrowed slightly as he watched daniel, his face slightly hidden by his locker as he pushed some of his stuff into it. Johnnys eyes darted of him, choosing to ignore the boy as for some reason seeing daniel made johnnys heart leap in his chest causing his heart to beat a bit faster. He wasn't sure why, it wasn't like he was scared of daniel. He scoffed a little just thinking about tat being the reason as he continued to walk with his friends.

"Oi johnny, look it's Danny Boy" Bobby said stopping as he nudged johnny in the arm. A smirk on his face as he watched daniel struggle with squashing his bag into his locker as a book fell out just missing his foot.

Johnny watched him not being able to help the smile creep on to his face as watched daniel struggle but be so determined to get all his stuff in it his locker. 'Cute' he thought before his eyes narrowed more in shock and frustration at his words. Daniel was not cute, in fact he was the opposite, he was the most annoying person Johnny knew. Johnny looked back at Bobby and gave him a smirk back before storming over to daniel.

our hatred- daniel x johnnyWhere stories live. Discover now