chapter 14

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Daniels pov:

After what had happened daniel quickly rushed into his apartment. Taking a deep breath. He didn't know where that had came from. Where calling him cute came from but johnny also called him cute back. His cheeks felt like they where burning and his head was rushing with thoughts.

He had just called johnny lawrence cute.

Johnny lawrence had just called him cute back.

Daniel breathed heavily against the door his eyes blinking quickly as he rested his head against the front door. It felt like a dream. Suddenly he remembered the words that Mr miyagi had said.

"Two people have to be angry to start a hatred"

"Source must be stronger then that"

The words spun round his head, mixing with his own thoughts and the reply of his and johnnys words.

"How do I look anything like Goldilocks?"

"Goldilocks is pretty cute isn't she?"

"Danny your pretty cute too"

Daniels eyes widened then as he took a step away from the door he was leaning against. Mr miyagi's words did sorta make sense now.

Daniel thought he knew the source or at least a reason. Something to do with why they hated each other. The truth was they never really hated each other. Not because of something simple anyway. Daniel didn't really understand why but that wasnt important right now, what was was telling Mr miyagi this.

Daniel swung open his front door again, stepped out and closed it before jogging down to Mr miyagi's work shed.

"Mr miyagi?" He called softly walking through the beeded curtain.

"Hm?" He heard the familiar voice of Mr miyagi say. Daniel walked in, seeing Mr miyagi sat at his desk carefully cutting the bonsai tree. He walked in and pulled a small stall out from the desk, sitting next to Mr miyagi.

"I think.. I know something.. About me and johnny.. " Daniel said a little bit awkwardly. Mr miyagi slowly looked up from the bonsai tree to Daniels face before putting down the scissors.

"About your hatred?" Mr miyagi asked and Daniel nodded his head slowly.

"Well... Something just happened..." Daniel started. He didn't really want to tell Mr miyagi all that had happened but he knew he had to explain some of it.

"I think.. I think we might like eachother.. " he said quietly. Mr miyagi raised a eye brow before picking up the scissors again.

"That's good. You made friend" Mr miyagi said cutting at the tree again slowly. Daniel shook his head slowly then and mr miyagi stopped.

"Not.. Not like that.. More then that, you know love" he said and Mr miyagi placed down the scissors again looking at Daniel carefully.

"Why hate then?" Mr miyagi finally said slowly and Daniel looked at him as if Daniel thought he would have the answer to that.

"I.. I don't know.. " Daniel said trying to think it through. He knew Mr miyagi was right. People who liked eachother didn't often try to make the other person hate them and always fight each other.

Mr miyagi placed a hand on Daniels shoulder.

"Daniel-san if two people love eachother, do you think they ignore it and fight?" He asked and Daniel shook his head slowly.

"Mr miyagi..." Daniel said slowly. He thought he was figuring it out. His head swirling over every conversation and interaction before focusing on his feelings. He wanted to love johnny, truth was he is in love with johnny. But at the same time he didn't want to be.

our hatred- daniel x johnnyWhere stories live. Discover now