chapter 15

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Daniels pov:

It was the next day at school and the same thing was happening that seemed to happen everyday. Johnnys friends picking on him, trying to make him feel bad. It didn't often work on Daniel, actually it did. He just tried to act like it didn't bother him but something was different. The group of boys didn't have johnny in it and one of the boys, Daniel knew was called Bobby was stood awwardly. His face giving Daniel a worried look before trying to stop the rest of his friends. Daniel watched him a bit confused and surprised at bobbys actions.

"Guys let's just leave him" Bobby would say as he tried to pull his friends away.

"Come on, he's not worth our time" Bobby said again trying to pull them away but Daniel watched as it resulted in Bobby being pushed away.

Daniel watched them ignore Bobby and continue throwing insults at Daniel. He ignored them though his eyes looking at baby and searching for johnny. The words from Mr miyagi hadn't left him. The words about johnny being... Like a controlled bonsai tree. Like how he felt like he couldn't be himself because he is being controlled like a bonsai tree. Daniel remembered how he said to give johnny time. Daniel looked from the boys. The group of johnnys friends. Could they be something holding johnny back?

He knew how johnnys friends hated them, they didn't hate him like johnny hated Daniel. Daniel now knew anyway that johnnys hatred.. May really be because he's inlove and from johnnys words yesterday it did seem like that.

One of johnnys friends, Dutch came closer to Daniels face and looked down to him.

"Your such a bitch larusso. You think your better then everyone" Dutch said spitting his words out.

Daniel looked back up to him. His head moving away a bit in disgust as Dutch spat out the words. Daniel scoffed slightly at dutchs words. Him a bitch. Him better then everyone. How could he be better then everyone when these boys where the real ones who acted like they where the kings of the school and karate and whatever.

Dutchs eyes narrowed at Daniels words but before he could say or do anything else Daniel watched as a blonde, tall figure lightly pushed Dutch out the way. Dutch stumbled a bit in surprise before through around to face the figure. Dutchs face was like a face of thunder before he realised who it was and it softened.

Daniel took his eyes of Dutch to look at who had pushed Dutch out the way.



Johnnys pov:

Johnny saw his friend. Dutch. Standing close to Daniel, he could already sense the other boys anger and watched them closely before walking quickly over to Daniel and Dutch. His other friends watching like a crowd watching a tiger with his food.

Johnny pushed Dutch lightly. Wanting him to move away from Daniel. He didn't want to hurt Daniel or be rude to him nor did he want his friends too. He didn't know how to explain it to them. How suddenly he could go from hating something and bullying them everyday to wanting to protect him. But maybe it was because Johnny had realised that Daniel felt the same way. Or close enough to the way Johnny felt anyway.

"Leave him alone Dutch" Johnny said his eyes quickly looking at Daniel before keeping his eyes on Dutch. His gaze stern.

Dutch looked at him in surprise. Dutchs mouth tugging into a smirk.

"But Johnny, don't you want to show him who's boss?" Dutch asks and Johnny stuffed his hands into his pockets looking back at Daniel.

"There is no boss." Johnny started. "Larusso doesn't have a boss" he said again his gaze softening as he looked at Daniel. Daniels face looked at him in surprise at first before his own lips raised into a small smile making Johnny give him a small smile back.

our hatred- daniel x johnnyWhere stories live. Discover now