chapter 18

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Johnnys pov:

The two walked back to daniels apartment. Puddles of water being left from where they walked. Johnny put his arm round daniels wet shoulder and pulled him close as the two shivered. At the same time as making sure no one saw it was him but he wasn't too worried. He didn't really care any more. Yes daniel was a boy but Bobby didn't care so why should the others.

The thoughts of what his friends may think quickly whent out his head as Johnny and daniel neared the apartments. Daniel smiled up at Johnny, daniels wet hair still dripping in front of his face.

"Johnny I think you should be like this all the time.. " Daniel said quietly as johnnys hand removed from his shoulder. Johnny looked at him for a moment a sad feeling crossing over him. He knew what Daniel meant. He was going to try after all. He wasn't going to be mean and fight Daniel all the time now. He didn't need to, he never actually needed to. He just needed to accept his feelings.

Johnny gave Daniel a small smile.

"I'll try be less of a jerk.." He said honestly. Daniel gave him a soft smile before pulling off his wet jacket. The white T-shirt completely see through. Daniel wringed out a bit of the water. Probably trying to make it seem like he hadnt been in a pond.

Johnny couldn't help his eyes from trailing down daniels body as his own beige jumper that was pulling down on his body begged to be pulled off.

He ignored the feeling quickly pulling his eyes back up to daniels. A serious gaze going onto daniels who looked back at him.

"Daniel...can.. Can we keep this a secret.. " he said slowly. He wasn't sure he wanted all his friends to know yet and anyway he would rather tell them himself.

"I won't be a jerk.. Ill just.. " Johnny said trying to come up with something. Something that wasn't really them but at the same time was.

Daniel gave him a soft look. The same sadness mixed in with his own gaze.

".. Just alright.. " daniel said quietly before giving Johnny a small smile.

"Where be just alright" Daniel said again.

Johnny gave a small smile back and nodded as he rolled his beige jumper up a bit sqeeuzing at some of the water.

Daniel watched him for a minute before going to turn away but Johnny quickly stopped him. Letting his arms drop from his jumper and grab daniels wrist.

"Thanks for today Danny Boy" Johnny said with a playful wink. Daniel laughed softly and shook johnnys hand of his wrist. Daniels face blushed slightly.

"Yeah no problem Goldilocks" Daniel said using that same stupid... Stupidly cute nickname. Johnny blushed slightly, biting the inside of his cheek as he looked away for a momment.

Daniel watched him with a smile before giving Johnny a small wave. Johnny waved back.

As Johnny walked home, he kicked at the rocks and loose bits of stone. Keeping his head down incase someone saw him. Mostly because of how wet he was but also because of how much he was smiling. Johnny felt the happiest he had ever felt.

Daniels pov:

As Johnny left Daniel and Daniel walked up to his front door. He swung it open slowly and called out to his ma. His ma answered and followed her sons voice to the door before gasping as the very wet Daniel larusso stepped in.

"Daniel!" His ma said shocked as she quickly stroked Daniels cheek.

She let a soft sigh before speaking.

"I'll get you a towel..." She said quietly.

"And then your tell me what on earth happened" his ma said more sternly as she walked away to get a towel.

Daniel smiled slightly, brushing his hand through his hair. He knew she was a bit angry at him but it didn't matter. He would say something. Not all the truth but also not a lie and that would please his ma.

His ma came back, clutching a towel before wrapping it over Daniel and brushing it over his face and hair.

"Go change okay? And then I want you to tell me what happened" his ma said carefully guiding him through his house to the bathroom as if he didn't know where it was.

Daniel gave her a small smile before shutting the bathroom door.

"Ma don't worry, I had the best time of my life" he said quietly and reassuringly to her. She gave a small sigh but this time a small smile creeped on her face.

Daniel closed the door, quickly changing and drying himself off until only his hair was a little damp. He stepped out the bathroom and he and his ma sat on the sofa.

"So... What happened then, it's not like it rained" she said resting her arm over the top of the sofa.

Daniel smiled happily again.

"Ma.. I meant up with Johnny.." He started causing his ma's eyes to narrow.

"Not them cobra kai bullies that hurt you" she said seriously. Her gaze looking as if it could kill.

Daniel stopped for a momment before shaking his head.

"No.. Well... Yes but we made up" he said quickly.

"Hes a nice boy ma.. A really nice boy.. " he said again, more slowly this time as he started thinking about Johnny again.

His ma looked at Daniel curiously, still a bit of worried ness in her eyes.

"Why where you so wet then?" His ma Interigatted.

Daniel left his imagination as he focused on what his ma said.

"I brang him to this place and it had a pond and a and Johnny both fell in" daniel said truthly. Not telling the whole story, but she didn't need to know. Not yet. Daniel knew she wouldn't trust Johnny yet especially since Daniel used to come home with bruises because of him.

His ma shook her hand a small smile on her face before she looked at daniel.

"Your telling me the truth, baby?" She asked and Daniel nodded.

"Yes ma.. I promise.. Me and Johnny are good now.. There's not going to be any fights anymore" Daniel said truthly. That's what he thought and he believed it.

His ma nodded, rubbing Daniels shoulder softly.

"Well he needs to go through mothers inspection first before he's in my good books" she said jokingly but Daniel knew she was probably a bit serious. Daniel laughed a little and nodded.

"Yeah, time and date?" He says jokingly making his ma laugh too.

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