chapter 26

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The next day

Daniels POV:

Daniel stood outside the block of apartment waiting for his mum to pull there nearly run down car out of drive way. It was the day of the dance and daniel couldn't stand still. His hand kept roughly rubbing the inside of his pocket with anxiety. He didn't know how it would go and as much as he loved Johnny, that thought buzzing round his head 'loved' still felt weird to not shut down, as much as he... Felt about Johnny he couldn't help the doubt and worry forming in his stomach that Johnny was tricking him.

Yeah well... Johnny wouldn't go as far as kissing me for a prank, would he?

His own mind thought back, having a imaginary fight against his doubt. His hand gripped onto the inside of his pocket harder as he took a deep breathe.

"Baby get in! " his ma shouted from the inside of the there as it slowly chugged out of the driveway and trailed to his feet. Daniel shut his thoughts off as he jogged up to the car, quickly swinging the door open and chucking his bag with his outfit inside. He wouldn't have fit in the car if he was wearing it now, luckily once it was a weird sort of thing, a curtain pole turned into a cricket shape, with a curtain across it that could open and close another pole coming off that to attach to a black belt. Right now he was wearing just a red and white sport top, made out of that light, thin material and black tight jeans with a lighter grey colour at the knee from where they where pretty old, normal unlike his disguise.

"You excited baby" his ma called using his pet name. shouting slightly over the cranking of the engine. Daniel nodded knowing he couldn't express his doubts with his ma. He knew all she would do is worry and it wasn't like she knew that he was going with johnny, as a friend or not.

She gave him a smile before putting her attention back on the road. Daniel stared at his ma for a minute as she drives along. He wondered, just wondered, only for a few seconds if when or if he told his ma about going to this dance with johnny and about then kissing, if anything would change. He knew in this world things weren't fair, Daniel knew that for a very long time but his ma would be like that she wouldn't be like Dutch or anyone else that hated his guts with ought even knowing johnny and him... Where...

Anyway his ma wouldn't care, she wasn't like that because she loved him even when he got himself into fights coming back home with bruises all over him and covered in blood. His relationship with his ma wasn't easy sometimes but it was strong.

He breathed through his nose letting out the air he was holding as he looked away from his ma and back out the window.

"Ma... " he spoke after a few minutes of watching the scenery go falshing bye.

His ma hummed a reply and Daniel fiddiled his fingers, tracing them over the car where the window and material met.

"If I was... Different would you care.. " he spoke some reason he didn't know how to say this, his words stepping around themselves ignoring the actual question

"Would you care if I liked johnny, really liked johnny."

"In love with him"

His ma let out a airy laugh as she quickly gave him a tilted confused look as she continued to drive along.

"What do you mean love? You know I love you exactly how you are and everyone's different" her voice was confused but filled with love. Daniel knew  she was telling the truth but he also knew she didn't truly understand.

He took a deep breathe his body straighting in his seat. He teared his eyes away from the window looking kiw at his ma.

"I... I mean..." His voice shook a little as his tongue tripped over the words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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