chapter 9

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Daniels pov:

Daniel looked up into Johnny's bright blue eyes, he felt almost mesmerised under them. He could feel johnnys hot breath tickiling his face and for some reason Daniel couldn't help but have thoughts of Johnny and him cross his head. Johnny kissing him.. Johnny.. He cut the thoughts of and looked away from Johnny's eyes, hearing his own breathing and feeling his cheeks burning. His heart was beating fast against his chest and he was pretty sure he looked stupid but it felt.. Nice...

Daniel looked at the stall door, hearing Johnny's friends out there and knowing that was why Johnny had pulled him in here. He didn't want them to see he was with Daniel and maybe Johnny didn't want to have to be mean to Daniel. He listened to the sound of there voices for a moment but then looked back at Johnny, Johnny's eyes where still on him, his eyes staring at Daniels face. Daniel looked back at him a small smile going onto his face as he realised Johnny looked the same way Danny felt, before it quickly vanished.

Johnny's cheeks where red and his breathing was quite heavy although he tried to hide it. He wasn't paying any attention to the outside of the stall and he was staring at Daniel as if he couldn't pull his eyes away. Daniel too almost got lost in the feeling, forgetting about everything that had happened between them as if this feeling was too strong that it over powered it.


Daniel couldn't be in love with Johnny..
It wasn't like he couldn't be in love with a boy. No Daniel thought if you loved someone it doesn't matter what gender you where but.. Johnny was different.

Daniel and Johnny both had there problems and.. Johnny's life was completely different to daniels. He just thought it would never work between them.

At these thoughts Daniel just decided to forget them. After all what was happening was nothing serious.

Daniel moved his head forward.

"Boo" he whispered but loud enough for the boys in the bathroom to hear.

Johnny jumped a bit, blinking quickly as he tried to regain himself as he moved back from daniel. Daniel smiled a little before his head turned quickly to the door, his eyes widening slightly as he realised he fogort to be quiet.

"Hey who's in there?" Said one of the boys Daniel had heard before, Dutch.

Johnny's eyes widened slightly, nervously and Daniel looked back at him not knowing what to do. He didn't know wether to call out or stay silent. Johnny answered that question for him though, johnny put his finger to his lips slowly. Motioning Daniel to stay silent.

"Oi man, what's your problem?" Johnny called out to his friend, dutch.

The other side was quiet for a little while as Johnny and Daniel looked at each other before looking back at the door.

"Johnny?" The voice had switched this time to bobby's voice. Daniel gulped at the memory of what had happened a few days ago. Bobby and Tommy holding Daniel down while Johnny punched and kicked the shit out of him.

Daniel watched Johnny smile a bit at hearing bobby's voice.

"Yeah?" Johnny replied.

"What you doing in there?"

"... Uh... What do you think I'm doing?" Johnny said half sarcastically.

From the other side Daniel heard a few shuffles and a few 'okays' from the boys. Daniel looked back at Johnny now mouthing words to him.

"What are we going to do now?" Daniel mouthed and Johnny rolled his eyes slightly.

"Us?.. Look just stay here okay" he said gently, but the us was said with a few confusion.

our hatred- daniel x johnnyWhere stories live. Discover now