chapter 25

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Daniels POV:

Daniel didn't exactly know how to 'be there together but not look like there where there together' after all they hadn't even become friendly in terms of what there friends knew. Of course Ali and Bobby knew all the business but everyone just said there where probably 'Tolerating' eachother.

Daniel knew who would know what to do. The man with a solution to every thing and a problem to every answer, Mr miyagi.

As soon as he got home he walked straight to Mr miyagis working shed. He needed to tell Mr miyagi this now especially since it was buzzing in the back of his head like his morning alarm clock.

"Mr miyagi!" He said with a bright smile as soon as he spot him. Mr miyagi was casually plucking and trimming his bonzi trees as daniel walked in and didn't turn at daniels voice but chuckled Slightly.

"Karate seasons, not now" he said although daniel was pretty sure Mr miyagai knew he wasnt here for that no matter how much he loved learning karate from Mr miyagi.

Daniel shook his head and walked up to Mr miyagis side.

"No.. No" he said with a small laugh.

"Not today Mr miyagi, I know, I have a question actually" daniel told him and Mr miyagi looked up from the small tree.

"A question?" He asked back.

"Yeah... How do I go.." Daniel thought about how to word this without sounding as confusing as it seemed to him.

"To go.. Unknown to some place with no one knowing your there... " daniel asked awkwardly.

Mr miyagai raised a eyebrow at this looking closely at daniel.

"Hmmm... Your not doing any thing bad are you daniel? " he questioned slightly making daniels face Redden a bit with embarrassment as he quickly shaked his head.

"No no!" He said quickly with a small smile at how he realised he sounded and how Mr miyagi would believe he was doing something bad.

"I promise it's for a good reason.. I just need to be.. " daniel said trying to think of a word.

"Invisible?" Mr miyagi asked, finishing of daniels sentence.

Daniel thought for a momment before nodding. He knew he couldn't actually he invisible but he needed to seem it or..

"Unexpected.. " Mr miyagi thought out loud.

Daniel watched him closely...
Unexpected.. Yeah.. He thought

Before Daniel could say me miyagi was right he stood up and nodded at Daniel.

"I must get to work" Mr miyagi said turning towards a cupboard.

Daniel looked at him shocked at first.

"Can't you help me Mr miyagi?" He asked incase he hadnt got the hint.

Mr miyagi nodded as he mumbled words to himself. The noise of him shuffiling through his cupboard filling the silence.

Daniel sighed slightly before trying to see other Mr miyagi into the cupboard.

"I need it done by tomorrow.. " he mumbled slightly loud enough for him to hear.

Again Mr miyagi didn't reply. The clattering from the cupboard continuing to fill the silence.

Daniel didn't know what he would do now. He needed a... Disguise? Maybe.. He needed something. And yet he had nothing. If he couldnt come up with something soon with or withought the help of Mr miyagi the day he was so excited for would be ruined.

He knew both him and Johnny wouldn't want to come out unexpected when they where planning not to yet. He knew how things where both new and strange to them.

Mr miyagis chuckle stopped daniels line of thought as he pulled something out of the cupboard. Daniel stared at it for a minute a bit confused. A old shower curtain was on a circle pole and had a long line extending down. Mr miyagi looked back up from the shower curtain to Daniel.

"You like?" He asked with a big smile. His cheerful eyes extra cheerful.

Daniel stared back at the shower curtain confused. What did mr miyagi want him to say.. It was just a old shower curtain.

"It's... Alright..? " he said confusedly. Mr miyagi grinned again and put his hand together.

"Perfect" he said

Daniel stared back at Mr miyagi now still heavily confused by Mr miyagis actions.

"Can you please help me with this whole unexpected... Invisible thing?" Daniel asked hoping Mr miyagi would finally say okay.

Instead he looked back between Daniel and the shower curtain.

"I have already helped" he said with a small smile and a simple nod.

Daniel looked at him confused before following Mr miyagis eyes to the shower curtain and finally getting it.

"I'm gonna wear a shower curtain? " he asked with a small laugh. Mr miyagi nodded smiling back.

"Unexpected right?"

"Yeah unexpected"

Johnny's POV:

Johnny didn't know if Daniel hada  plan because Johnny sure didn't and even if he did it wouldn't matter any way he had already promised his friends that he would go as what they whent as every year to one of these dress up dance party's... A skeleton.

Luckily though for him, since he had alot of friends and they where all going exactly the same. The same skeleton suit on that could cover the hair and the same white and black face paint on. It would be hard to tell who's who between the boys.

He hadnt really noticed before if Daniel whent to any dances he had never really saw him, he didn't even go with Ali mostly because there wasn't a dance on when them two where together, which Johnny was thankful for.

Normally he didn't realy care about the dnaces his school put on and only whent there with the girls he was dating or flirting with or for the sneaked in alcohol. But now a small pip of worry and a even bigger one of excitement sat in his stomach and it sure did excit him.

Eventually when the day got later, Johnny managed to pull a pillow up to his chest holding onto it tightly, his chin resting on the corner of the pillow to make him fall asleep.

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