chapter 24

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Johnnys POV:

He didn't know why asking Daniel to the dance made his heart rush and beat so hard against his chest. He felt his cheeks flush a pink colour. This had never happened to him even when he had been dragged or had to ask out one of his girlfriends so why did asking Daniel feel so... Different.

Johnny took a deep breath nervously waiting for Daniels answer. He leaned his body against the classroom door to stop anyone from walking in and to keep his own self up. His whole body aching with nerves. What is Daniel just laughed at him and called him stupid, what if...

Before he could question himself anymore Daniel let out a small laugh his eyes bright. Daniels own face slightly pink from johnnys question, his eyes wide before going back to how they normally looked.

"School dances are okay.. " daniel said with a smile before slightly biting the corner of his lip as if he was thinking.

"How do you feel about them?" Daniel asked.

Johnny blushed a bit more at the way Daniel was making him feel clearly ignoring his plainly obvious question. He  was asking Daniel to the dance but of course Daniel had to make it challenging. Johnny kinda liked that though.

Johnnys lips tugged up at the corners pulling them into a small smirk.

"Yeah.. They are okay.. " he replied.

Daniel smiled at johnnys reaction before raising a eyebrow.

"So... Why you asking?" He said clearly knowing exactly why.

Johnny bit hard onto his lip, his face blushing again.

"This Is so ridiculous" he muttered to himself. Daniel clearly catching it as he let out a small laugh.

"What Johnny I really don't know" Daniel replied. Daniels eyes told Johnny all he needed to know though. He saw the playful glint in them.

"Fine.. I'll tell you.. " Johnny said taking a breath as he decided to go along with it. Johnny hummed a little before crossing his arms over his chest. Taking his time as he watching Daniel become slightly unpacient.

Daniel rolled his eyes slightly before putting out his foot infrotn of his other foot and looking at Johnny to his foot.

Johnny watched him raising his eye brow.

"Johnny tell me or else.. " Daniel threatened jokingly.

Johnny laughed a little. His eyes looking at Daniel slightly surprised as he lifted himself slightly of the door.

"Wooaahhh Danny Boy don't get aggressive" Johnny joked and Daniel rolled his eyes again.

Daniel muttered something under his breath but Johnny couldn't make out the words.

Johnny took a deep breath, turning serious now.

"Larusso... Danny... Daniel" he switched Daniels name three times trying to see which one worked better for what he was about to tell him but he ended up feeling a bit stupid for it.

Daniel gave him a small smile back. His gentle eyes looking back into johnnys.

"Do you wanna go to the dance with me?.. " Johnny said with a deep breath his eyes stuck on Daniels.

Daniel smiled wider and wrapped his arms around johnny.

"Yeah sure" he replied his words not matching the level of happiness he felt but his face said it all as he hugged johnny.

Johnny hugged Daniel back. Getting used to his hugs and loving the touch of Daniels body against his. He smiled widely and let out a small laugh of relief. He felt so worried yet now it had all been for nothing. He knew he didn't have to be strong all the time in front of Daniel but he couldn't help but feel a bit weak about it.

Daniel stepped back from Johnny after a while, his smile dropping a little.

"But what about.. You know.. The situation" Daniel said slowly his hands motioning between the two of them.

Johnny had thought about this over and over but bobby's words had given him a idea. He gave Daniel a small smirk.

"Hey no one has to know where there together. No one has to know either of us are there" he said with a small wink.

Daniel blushed slightly his eyes widening as he tried to work it out. How that would work and how they would do that.

Johnny waited a bit in Daniels silence before speaking again.

"I mean I'm not sure how yet but we can work it out.. " Johnny said slowly and Daniel nodded gently before smiling softly again.

"Yeah... Yeah.. I like that idea" Daniel said and Johnny smiled softly back.

(Sorry for the short chapter)

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